- 德国教育历史人类学的形成与方法论突破 The Formation of German Educational Historical Anthropology and the Breakthrough in Methodology
- 论学生身体自主 On Student Bodily Autonomy
- 教育中的恐惧表征及其回应 Dimensions of Fear in Education and Response
- 随迁子女义务教育发展评估:理论、指标与测算方法 Evaluation of the Development of Compulsory Education for Migrant Children:Theory,Index and Measurement
- 留守儿童、流动儿童和一般儿童课外活动时间分配比较研究 A Comparative Study for Distribution of Extracurricular Activity Time of Left-behind Children, Migrant Children and Other Children
- 家庭资本对初中生参加课外补习活动影响实证研究 An Empirical Study on the Impacts of Family Capital on Middle School Students to Participating in the Private Tutoring
- 课程改革的困境与文化重建的迷茫 The Dilemma of Curriculum Reform and the Confusion of Reconstruction of the Culture
- 校本课程开发的技术问题及文化学研究 Technical Problem of School-Based Curriculum Development and Its Cultural Studies
- 泛在学习之意义性探究 Exploration of Ubiquitous Learning to be meaningful
- 网络时代中学生的线上及线下休闲活动与学习的关系研究 Research on Online Leisure and Offline Leisure of Middle School Students and the Relationship between Students’ Leisure and Learning in the Internet Era
- 美国夏威夷语浸入式教学实践及其启示 Study on the Practices of Hawaiian Language Immersion Program and Its Enlightenments
- 德国教师合作过程探析 ——基于柏林2 所学校的案例研究 The Practice and Inspiration of German Teachers’ Collaboration and Development
- 革新学校:韩国公立中小学校变革新举措——以韩国京畿道地区为例 Innovation School: A new Move of Public School Revolution of South Korea