- 教育是一场充满“境遇”的人生旅程——从“哲学史上的暗流”来看教育的“不可测度性” Education is a Life Journey with Full of “Encounter”: To See the Education “Non-Measurability”in the View of “The Underflow in the History of Philosophy”
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- 基础教育学校组织变革的几个基本问题 Several Basic Problems of Basic Education School Organizational Revolution
- 学校课程建设的教学论解读 On the School Curriculum Construction in the Perspective of Instruction
- 学生自觉课程理论探讨 Students Consciously Curriculum Theory
- 课堂教学“问-答”水平的一致性研究 The Consistency Study on the Level of Questioning and Answering in Classroom
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- 高中生创造力倾向发展现状及提高对策研究——基于对北京K 中学高中生的调查与分析 Research on Development Status and Promotion Countermeasures of Senior High School Students' Creativity: Based on the Investigation and Analysis of Beijing K Middle School Students
- 国外教师培训系统的要素分析及本土化移植 On the Factor Analysis and Indigenous Transplantation of Foreign Teacher Training System
- 实习教师的角色发展与反应特征——基于教育实习关键事件的质化研究 Researchon Student Teachers' Role Development and Reaction Characteristics: Based on the Qualitative Analysis of Critical Incidents in Education Practice
- 在曲折中前行: 美国的统一课程标准改革 Developing Circuitously: the Reform of Uniform Curriculum Standard in American
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- 民国童子军歌谣中的儿童教育 Children Education of Boy Scout Songs in the Republic of China
- 效率崇拜与美国基础教育现代化水平的提升——基于效率测量和效率调查的视角 Efficiency of Worship and the Improvement of the Modernization Level of American Basic Education: Based on the Efficiency Measurement and Efficiency Survey