- 平等和差等:师爱的抉择及其伦理依据 Equal and Different:the Decision and Its Ethical Reason of Teachers’ Love
- 民主与关系视角下的师生关系 Relationship Between Teachers and Students under the Relationship of Democracy and Authority
- 第三空间对青少年自我建构的影响研究--以上海市区初中生为例 The Research on the Influence of the Third Space on Young’s Self-Identity
- 独生子女成长特殊性的再认识 Re-understanding on the Particularities of the Only-Children’s Growth
- 我国基础教育公平与均衡发展政策研究的历史走向 The Historic Trend of the Research in Policy of the Equity and Balanced Development of the Basic Education in China
- 后喻文化时代的特征:设置自主课程的必要性和必然性 The Characteristics of Post-figurative Culture Time:Establishes the Independent Curriculum the Necessity and the Inevitability
- 重新理解寓教于乐 Re-Understanding Blending Profit With Delight
- 构建教师专业发展动力机制 打造卓越教师团队 To Build a Motivation Mechanism for Teacher Professional Development and to Forge an Excellent Teacher Team
- 书钰院士错了吗--《小学科学课程标准》随议
- 论以人为本的师德建设 A Demonstration of the People-oriented Construction of Teachers’ Ethics
- 教师工作价值取向与教师管理的三部曲─谋生、职业、事业与顺从、认可、内化 Trilogy of Teacher’s Work Orientation and Teacher’s Management:Job, Career, Calling, and Compliance, Identification, Internalization
- 应对考试焦虑研究的回顾与展望 The Study of Coping with Text Anxiety:Retrospect and Prospect
- 中学生学习动机问卷的初步编制 The Preliminary Construction of Learning Motivation Questionnaire Among Middle School Students
- 精心育花蕾,春风润桃李--我的师德故事