- 写作长度对学生英语作文语法特征的影响研究——一个写作过程视角 Exploring the impact of writing length on the grammatical features of EFL learners’ compositions: A writing process perspective
- 听力与阅读附带词汇习得对比研究 A comparative study of incidental vocabulary acquisition from listening and reading
- 认知语言学对二语教学的贡献及其局限性 Cognitive linguistics and second language teaching: Contributions and limitations
- 专栏引言 Introduction to the special column
- “英语演讲”课在中国高校的本土化研讨——其课程性质与基本教学观 Localization of English Public Speaking (EPS) at universities in China: Nature of the course and teaching approach
- “促进学习的评估”在英语演讲课中的应用 The application of AfL to the English Public Speaking classroom
- 试论EPS 课程批判性思维教学的三个方面 A tentative study on three aspects of teaching critical thinking in EPS class
- 学生:英语演讲理论的阐释主体 Students: Interpretation subject of the theory of English Public Speaking
- 《反思性实践:重燃你的教学热情》评介 A book review of Reflective Practice: Reawakening Your Passion for Teaching
- 谈《系统功能语言学研究现状和发展趋势》 A book review of Developments of Systemic Functional Linguistics
- 反思高校英语教学中的“合作学习”——“ 有效课堂的教学与研究研修班(三):Designing Coo Reflection on “Cooperative Learning” in college English Classrooms—A review of A Short Course on Designing Cooperative Learning for the EFL Classroom