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臺灣國中科學學習成就之多層次模式分析:以TIMSS 2019為例
並列篇名 | A Multilevel Model Analysis of Science Achievement in Taiwanese Junior High Schools: Evidence From TIMSS 2019 |
作者 | 劉昶讓 |
中文摘要 | 研究目的 本研究透過臺灣參與2019年國際數學與科學教育成就趨勢調查(Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study, TIMSS)資料進行八年級科學學習成就之多層次模式分析,分別從學生層次與學校層次進行檢視,以探討學生層次因素對臺灣國中學生科學學習成就的影響、學校層次因素對臺灣國中學生科學學習成就的影響,以及學校層次與學生層次因素在科學學習成就上之跨層次交互作用。 主要理論或概念架構 考量TIMSS 2019的資料結構具有巢套特性,本研究以生態系統理論為內涵,在學生層次依據文化資本理論與學習動機理論,在學校層次依據學校效能理論及脈絡變項觀念,以多層次模式進行分析,並探究跨層級交互作用情形。 研究設計/方法/對象 本研究使用TIMSS 2019科學測驗成績、學生問卷及學校問卷進行分析。TIMSS 2019採用兩階段隨機抽樣設計,先從全國學校中抽取樣本學校,再從每所抽樣學校內選擇一個或多個完整班級的學生。經抽樣,總計有203所國中、4,915名學生參與施測。本研究納入分析之學校有203所,因部分學校樣本有變項缺失,無法納入檢定,因此,樣本數由原先的4,915名降為4,894名。 研究發現或結論 透過多層次模式分析,本研究得到以下結論:(一)各學校間的差異可解釋學生科學學習成就變異量的15%,顯示學校之間的差異是不可忽視的重要因素;(二)學生的家庭資源愈豐富、愈喜歡科學、科學自信愈高,科學學習成就愈好;(三)學校如果愈重視學業,學生科學學習成就愈好,但學校層次的紀律安全對於科學學習成就沒有明顯預測力;(四)家庭資源的集體脈絡效果正向影響科學學習成就;(五)重視學業正向調節重視科學對科學學習成就的影響,代表在愈重視學業的學校,學生愈重視科學,科學學習成就愈好。學校學習氛圍與學生學習動機之間的交互作用是影響學習成就的關鍵,若二者不協調,將導致學習成效下降。 理論或實務創見/貢獻/建議 本研究有以下四點貢獻:首先,本研究運用TIMSS 2019資料庫進行分析,並採多層次模式進行檢定。綜觀過去臺灣以多層次模式分析TIMSS科學學習成就之研究,僅紀馥安(2012)分析TIMSS 2007資料、王呈隆(2017)以及張芳全(2021)分析TIMSS 2011資料,故本研究可補足現階段研究之不足,作為後續科學學習成就探究的基礎。其次,本研究分成學生層次與學校層次,並將學生層次分為家庭因素與動機因素,學校層次分為組織因素與脈絡因素,以生態系統理論為內涵,多面向地檢視影響科學學習成就之因素。第三,本研究探討影響臺灣國中學生科學學習成就跨層級因素的交互作用,結果發現重視學業正向調節重視科學對科學學習成就的影響。第四,本研究發現,在低重視學業學校,學校文化的負面影響可能削弱學生學習動機,甚至形成一種「反學校文化」,即使學生個人高度重視科學,也可能因為學校文化的負面影響,無法實現他們的學習期望,進而導致學習成績下降,因此,學校學習氛圍與學生學習動機之間的交互作用是影響學生學習成就的關鍵。 |
英文摘要 | Purpose This study employs a multilevel modeling analysis of eighth-grade science achievement using data from Taiwan’s participation in the 2019 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). The analysis is conducted at both the student and school levels to explore the effects of student-level factors on the science achievement of junior high school students in Taiwan, the effects of school-level factors on student science achievement, and the interaction effects between school-level and student-level factors. Main Theories or Conceptual Frameworks Considering the nested structure of TIMSS 2019 data, this study is framed within ecological systems theory. At the student level, the analysis is based on cultural capital theory and motivation theory, while at the school level, it draws on school effectiveness theory and the concept of contextual variables. A multilevel model is employed to analyze the data and explore cross-level interactions. Research Design/Methods/Participants This study employs a secondary data analysis method, using data from 4,915 eighth-grade students across 203 junior high schools in Taiwan who participated in TIMSS 2019. Research Findings or Conclusions The multilevel model analysis led to the following conclusions: (1) Differences between schools account for 15% of the variance in students’ science achievement, indicating that school-level differences are significant factors that should not be overlooked; (2) Student-level factors: students with more family resources, a stronger interest in science, and higher self-confidence in science tend to achieve better science learning outcomes; (3) School-level factors: schools that place a greater emphasis on academic achievement have students with better science performance, although school level discipline and safety do not significantly predict science achievement; (4) The collective contextual effect of family resources at the school level has a positive impact on science achievement; (5) Cross-level interaction: academic emphasis positively moderates the effect of students’ focus on science achievement, meaning that in schools with a stronger emphasis on academics, students who prioritize science tend to perform better. The interaction between the school learning environment and student motivation is crucial in influencing academic achievement; misalignment of these two elements may result in decline in learning outcomes. Theoretical or Practical Insights/Contributions/Recommendations This study offers four significant contributions: (1) This research analyzes data from the TIMSS 2019 database using a multilevel model. Compared to previous studies in Taiwan that employed multilevel analysis on TIMSS data, only Chi FuAn (2012) analyzed TIMSS 2007, and Wang Cheng-Lung (2017) and Chang Fang Chung (2021) examined TIMSS 2011. This study bridges the current research gap and provides a foundation for further exploration of scientific learning achievement; (2) The study is structured into student- and school-level analyses. At the student level, it examines family and motivational factors, while at the school level, it considers organizational and contextual factors. Using ecological systems theory as a framework, the research comprehensively examines the multifaceted factors influencing scientific learning achievement; (3) This study investigates the cross-level interactions affecting the scientific learning achievement of Taiwanese junior high school students. Notably, it identifies that valuing academic performance positively moderates the influence of valuing science on scientific learning achievement; (4) The findings reveal that in schools with low emphasis on academic performance, a negative school culture may weaken students’ learning motivation, potentially fostering an “anti-school culture.” Even students who highly value science may find their learning aspirations unmet due to the adverse influence of school culture, resulting in decreased academic achievement. Thus, the interplay between school learning climate and student motivation is a critical determinant of learning outcomes. |
起訖頁 | 043-085 |
關鍵詞 | 文化資本、多層次模式、科學學習成就、國際數學與科學教育成就調查趨勢、階層線性模式、學校效能、學習動機、cultural capital、multilevel modeling、science learning achievement、Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)、hierarchical linear modeling、school effectiveness、learning motivation |
刊名 | 教育研究集刊 |
期數 | 202412 (70:4期) |
出版單位 | 國立臺灣師範大學教育學系 |
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