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並列篇名 | Practice and Effectiveness of Understanding by Design Combined with WebQuest in a Management Information Systems Course |
作者 | 汪美香 |
中文摘要 | 管理資訊系統(MIS)課程內容日新月異且涵蓋範圍廣泛,如何才能讓學生真正理解與應用?過去公式化的「教學」,以選定的教科書為架構,依照教科書的內容順序教授知識,並未針對學生是否真正理解課程進行思考。學生的「學習」亦僅止於低層次的知識學習,學用存在很大差距。因此,本研究應用「重理解課程設計」(UbD),聚焦設計課程以讓學生真正理解和應用,另一方面,考量課程涵蓋範圍廣泛,結合網路探究(WebQuest),引導學生做有系統的知識探索。以111學年MIS課程為研究場域,109位學生為研究參與者。以學習反思質性資料、期中/期末評量、期末專案實作等多元方式檢視學生的學習成效。質性資料使用MAXQDA進行分析,總計獲得七個代碼—「容易理解」、「省時省力」、「印象加深」、「多元有趣」、「指引學習」、「深入思考」、「應用所學」。相關研究結果如下:(1)規劃MIS課程大概念、核心問題及探究導向教學活動。(2)設計多元評量工具,評量學生知識之理解與技能之應用情形。(3)配合UbD提供網站連結,引導學生針對主題任務進行探索。整體而言,學生對於UbD與WebQuest教學機制導入MIS課程,在學習歷程、學習內容和學習成效各方面均持肯定的態度,解決MIS教與學一直以來存在的問題。 |
英文摘要 | The Management Information Systems (MIS) curriculum covers a broad range of topics; thus, one key challenge is ensuring that students understand and can apply the concepts. Traditional teaching methods, which often rely on a single textbook, cannot adequately meet this challenge. To solve this problem, this study applied the Understanding by Design (UbD) framework, which emphasizes course designs that promote the deep understanding and application of the concepts. Furthermore, given the extensive scope of the course, the study incorporated the WebQuest learning tool to guide students in systematic knowledge exploration. This research involved 109 participants and was conducted in an MIS course during the 111th Academic Year. Various methods were employed to evaluate student learning outcomes, including qualitative data, mid-term and final assessments, and final project implementation. The qualitative data, analyzed using MAXQDA, was based on seven coded themes: “easy understanding,” “time-efficiency,” “enhanced retention,” “diversity and engagement,” “learning guidance,” “deep reflection,” and “application of knowledge.” In summary, the research findings are as follows: (1) Planning the conceptual framework, core questions, and activities for an MIS course. (2) Designing tools to evaluate students’ understanding of knowledge and application of skills. (3) Providing links aligned with UbD to guide students in exploring topic related tasks. Overall, students reacted positively toward the UbD design and WebQuest tools in terms of the learning process, content and outcomes, and the proposed approach effectively addresses long-standing challenges in MIS teaching and learning. |
起訖頁 | 001-041 |
關鍵詞 | 重理解課程設計、網路探究、逆向設計、學習成效、understanding by design、WebQuest、backward design、learning effectiveness |
刊名 | 教學實踐與創新 |
期數 | 202412 (7:2期) |
出版單位 | 國立臺北教育大學 |
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該期刊 下一篇
| 台語名字教學:教案設計與成效探討 |