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並列篇名 | A Study on the Evaluation of Program Quality Assurance Policy of Universities |
作者 | 林劭仁 |
中文摘要 | 本研究目的在探討教育部不主動辦理大學系所評鑑後,現階段大學系所品保政策執行的現況與成效。研究以問卷調查法蒐集互動關係人意見,以自編之大學系所品保政策評估問卷,採網路填答方式,共蒐集有效樣本114份。以重要—表現分析法(Importance-Performance Analysis, IPA)分析期望想法與實際感受的差異,探討受試者對品保政策整體性、委辦認可及自辦認定實施後的看法。研究發現現行大學系所品保政策不論是整體性、委託辦理或學校自行辦理,對政策之期望想法皆高於實際感受,達顯著差異,以「效用性」層面的理念目標與實際執行落差最大,代表不論品保機構或學校皆需關心如何降低政策重要程度和執行後表現程度的落差。進一步發現,整體需優先改進的題項有四項,分別為「大學系所品保政策能協助系所提升辦學品質」、「大學系所品保政策能協助系所發展特色」、「大學系所品保政策能提供社會大眾瞭解系所辦學資訊」、「大學系所品保政策能促使學校對系所教師教學的支持」,低優先改善則有八項。而自辦學校在制度調整、立場公正,及過程透明公開上的實際感受則優於委辦學校。研究最後依發現做出結論與建議,提供主管教育機關、大學校院及後續研究參考與應用。 |
英文摘要 | Shortly after the Ministry of Education (MOE) announced in 2017 that it would no longer conduct university program accreditation, university program accreditation has begun to undergo a major change in Taiwan higher education. This study intended to explore the current status and effectiveness of the implementation of program quality assurance policies. Questionnaire survey method was used to collect the opinions of stakeholders. A self-edited questionnaire was used and a total of 114 valid samples were collected from the Internet. Then, the Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) method was used to analyze the subjects’ views on the program quality assurance policy after its implementation. The findings showed that whether the current program quality assurance policies were entrusted by accredited agencies or handled by universities themselves, the expected thoughts (importance) of the policies were higher than the actual feelings (performance), and the difference between them was significant. The gap in “valid dimension” was the largest, indicating that both quality assurance agencies and universities need to be concerned about how to reduce the gap between the importance of policies and their performance after implementation. On the whole, four items on the questionnaire needed to be concentrated and improved first: “The quality assurance policy can help program improve the quality of teaching,” “The quality assurance policies can help program develop their characteristics,” “The quality assurance policy can provide the public with information about the program,” and “The quality assurance policy can promote the universities to support the teaching of the program faculty.” In addition, eight items on the questionnaire were given a low priority for improvements. Furthermore, the differences between expected thoughts and actual feelings of each item was analyzed and discussed. This study finally drew conclusions and made suggestions based on the findings, providing reference for the MOE, universities, and further research. |
起訖頁 | 001-035 |
關鍵詞 | IPA、系所品保、品質保證、政策評估、IPA、program accreditation、quality assurance、policy evaluation |
刊名 | 教育政策論壇 |
期數 | 202405 (27:2期) |
出版單位 | 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所 |
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| 探究課程政策對教師遊戲教學信念的影響:以香港兩所幼稚園教師為例 |