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並列篇名 | Emerging and Reconstructing of the Self: Exploring the Experiences of Elderly Adapting the Process of Body Frailty |
作者 | 涂繼方、陳秀蓉 |
中文摘要 | 高齡化已成為全球性議題,良好老化的理念受到重視,塑造出健康活躍的長者典範,同時也淡化了長者實際遭逢的身體衰弱與死亡威脅,長者主體性的危機昭然若揭。身處東西文化交融的臺灣亦深受影響,在華人文化的修身傳統素養下,長者自我被弱化或是強化?本研究旨在以身體衰弱作為探索長者生活調適的關鍵,根基於本土老化的生活經驗現場,藉以照見臺灣長者的主體性。 本研究採用反身性主題分析法進行研究,援引12位長者的深度訪談,以闡明長者主觀感知身體衰弱的經驗內涵為何?如何形成適應歷程?研究結果產出四個經驗主題:1.身體問題圍困自我;2.注意到我不再是我;3.往來反覆重構自我;4.走向人生的實在。最後,進一步探討臺灣長者老化經驗中自我湧現的特性與潛力,揭示他們的實踐係在關注「人我」與「心物」關係之平衡,並提出融通「寫實」與「寫意」的生活實踐藝術。
英文摘要 | The upcoming issues of global phenomenon of aging has led to the widespread adoption of the concept of aging-well, shaping a model of healthy and active aging while downplaying the realities of body frailty and mortality, thereby challenging the individual subjectivity of the elderly. Taiwan, situated at the crossroads of Eastern and Western cultures, is not immune to these influences. In a certain extent of whether the longstanding Chinese cultural tradition of self-cultivation has weakened or strengthened old adult’s sense of self. Consequently, this research aims to utilize body frailty as a key lens to explore the adaptation within the lives of the elderly, rooting in the lived experiences of aging in Taiwan to illuminate the subjectivity of Taiwanese elders. Employing a reflexive thematic analysis approach, this research conducted in-depth interviews with 12 participants to elucidate the subjective experiences of bodily frailty and the processes of adaptation. The findings revealed four thematic experiences: 1) Encirclement of self by bodily issues, 2) Noticing I am no longer myself, 3) Oscillating in the process of self-reconstruction, and 4) Heading towards an authentic life. Finally, this research delves into the characteristics and potentials of self-emerging within the aging process of elderly individuals in Taiwan. It unveils their practice of emphasizing a balance between the ’self-other’ and ’mind-matter’ re-lationships, while proposing an art of living that harmonizes ’realistic’ and ’freehand’ in daily practices.
起訖頁 | 099-137 |
關鍵詞 | 反身性主題分析法、老化、身體衰弱、華人文化、適應歷程、aging、adaptive process、body frailty、Chinese culture、reflexive thematic analysis |
刊名 | 臺灣諮商心理學報 |
期數 | 202405 (12:1期) |
出版單位 | 社團法人臺灣諮商心理學會 |
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