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並列篇名 | A University Teacher’s Narrative Research on Trans-disciplinary Learning |
作者 | 張芳全 |
中文摘要 | 近年來,跨領域學習成為各級教育的重要議題,大學的跨領域學習更是目前發展的重點。然而,跨領域學習的學習歷程,包括學習者學習歷程、教師角色及引導學習歷程、學習者可能面臨的困難都值得探究。本研究以一位大學教師的敘事來探討30多年前在大學的跨領域學習教育經濟學與教育計畫的經驗、教師的引導、面臨的困難、學習成效等敘說。獲得以下結論:跨領域學習深受個人成長及先前學習經驗的影響,學習者要跨領域學習應具有開闊的學習心態、學習動機、投入更多時間,並體會到自主學習與永續學習是跨領域學習成功的關鍵;在學習領域應有系統與有計畫地跨域,成效會更大。而教師在學生跨域學習時應擔負鷹架角色,在學習歷程中與學生不斷對話、討論、引導與提供跨領域的學習策略,教師與學生建立夥伴關係也是跨領域學習成功因素。在跨領域學習之後,成功獲取專業知識作為生涯規劃發展基礎,建立良好的研究知能,並展現跨域學習特色。從敘說過程中,看見跨領域學習的實踐力量,進一步打開跨領域學習的視野,提供跨領域學習的建議。 |
英文摘要 | In recent years, trans-disciplinary learning has become an important issue in education at all levels. Trans-disciplinary learning in universities is the focus of current development. However, the learning process of trans-disciplinary learning, including the learner’s learning process, the teacher’s role and guidance of the learning process, and the difficulties that learners may face, are all worthy of exploration. This study is employed by the case narrative of a university teacher to explore his experience studying economics of education and educational planning across fields at university 30 years ago, the teacher’s guidance, the difficulties faced, and the learning results. The following conclusions can be drawn from the narrative content: The case’s trans-disciplinary learning is deeply affected by personal growth and previous learning experience. The case believed that learners should have an open learning mentality, learning motivation, invest more time, and realize that in transdisciplinary learning. Independent learning and continuous learning are the keys to the success of trans-disciplinary learning; at the same time, there should be systematic and planned transdisciplinary learning in the learning field, and the results will be greater. Teachers should play the role of scaffolding in trans-disciplinary learning. They should continuously dialogue, discuss, guide and provide trans-disciplinary learning strategies with students during the learning process. The establishment of partnerships between teachers and students was also a successful factor in cross-field learning. In addition, the case also pointed out that after transdisciplinary learning, the successful acquisition of professional knowledge served as the basis for career planning and development, which established the case’s good research knowledge and demonstrated the case’s trans-disciplinary learning characteristics. From the narration process, we can see the practical power of trans-disciplinary learning, further open up the horizons of trans-disciplinary learning, and provide suggestions for trans-disciplinary learning. |
起訖頁 | 075-095 |
關鍵詞 | 敘事研究、教育計畫、教育經濟學、跨領域學習、narrative research、educational planning、educational economics、trans-disciplinary learning |
刊名 | 教育研究月刊 |
期數 | 202404 (360期) |
出版單位 | 高等教育出版公司 |
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| 大學師資培育社會責任的指引:師資生跨領域學習的挑戰與因應策略之探究 |
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| 開展以解方為中心的永續發展教育 |