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並列篇名 | Family Language Policy in the Context of Taiwan’s Bilingual 2030 Policy: A Comparative Analysis of Two Mothers’ Approaches at Home |
作者 | 藍偉華 |
中文摘要 | 鑑於家庭語言政策雖屬個人作為,卻深具社會影響力(Spolsky, 2012),本研究深度訪談臺灣兩位對於 2030 雙語政策之語言選擇和家庭語言規劃策略持對立態度的母親,並記錄其二人的日常對話和共讀會話錄音以供分析。這兩位母親各育有年齡 5-8 歲的子女,一位選擇臺灣方言(閩南語)作為家庭的主要語言,另一位則選擇華語。選擇臺灣方言的母親認為,華語是一種霸權語言,對臺灣母語之存續構成威脅,而另一位母親則認為長期以來華語被視為臺灣的國語,她的孩子應該具備華語能力,研究發現,這兩位母親的家庭背景與人生經歷使其對 2030 雙語政策有不同看法,一位遵循政策,另一位則認為將對保存臺灣遺產形成威脅,但面對臺灣家庭普遍存在的單一語言使用環境,兩位母親皆對 2030 雙語政策在實際操作中的有效性感到懷疑,甚至擔心它可能產生不良的語言發展效果。本研究細膩描述在臺灣 2030 雙語政策背景下的家庭語言規劃動態,期透過理解個人信念、社會規範和語言實踐間的相互作用,提供在多語言環境中有助於孩子語言發展的家庭語言政策建議。 |
英文摘要 | Family Language Policy (FLP) is a private practice with public ramifications (Spolsky, 2012). This study employs Spolsky’s framework to explore the language choices and home language planning strategies of two Taiwanese mothers holding contrasting attitudes toward Taiwan’s Bilingual 2030 Policy. Both mothers, whose children were between 5-8 years old at the time of the study, participated in in-depth interviews. Furthermore, the study documented their daily conversations and shared reading session recordings for analysis. Although both mothers were from Taiwanese families, one mother chose the Taiwanese dialect and another chose Mandarin Chinese as the main language of the family. These choices illuminate contrasting perceptions of the social language context in Taiwan. Specifically, the mother who opted for Taiwanese perceived Mandarin Chinese as a hegemonic language that posed a threat to their Taiwanese mother tongue, whereas the other mother felt that her child should be raised to speak Mandarin Chinese, long entrenched as Taiwan’s national language. The results reveal contrasting beliefs toward the Taiwanese government’s policy of bilingualism between Mandarin Chinese and English: One followed the policy, whereas the other perceived it as a threat to preserving her Taiwanese heritage. The two mothers’ ideologies, deeply rooted in their personal histories and experiences, were significantly influences on the FLP that they set. Because Taiwanese dialect–only and English language–only environments do not exist in Taiwan, both mothers sought external support to bolster their children’s language proficiency. However, both mothers shared a common concern regarding the effectiveness of a bilingual policy in a country where families exist in a monolingual home environment. This study traces the nuanced dynamics of family language planning in the context of Taiwan’s Bilingual 2030 Policy. Illuminating the complex interplay between individual beliefs, broader societal norms, and language practices enables a deeper understanding of how family-level decisions shape a child’s linguistic development in a multilingual context. |
起訖頁 | 243-263 |
關鍵詞 | 雙語教育、雙語政策、家庭語言政策、bilingual education、bilingual policy、family language policy |
刊名 | 教育科學研究期刊 |
期數 | 202403 (69:1期) |
出版單位 | 國立臺灣師範大學 |
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