篇名 |
並列篇名 | Time, the Critical Element of Love: Balanced Time Perspective, Approach-Avoidance Commitment, and Love Relationship Quality |
作者 | 游心慈、陳慧娟 |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在探討平衡時間觀(Balanced Time Perspective, BTP)、趨避承諾與愛情關係品質之相關性,並以趨避承諾為中介變項,了解BTP對愛情關係品質之影響機制。本研究採便利取樣方式招募臺灣地區742位18-34歲之研究參與者,填寫研究者自編之測驗工具,包括時間觀量表、趨避承諾量表與愛情關係品質量表,有效樣本共計722份,其中男性佔30.61%、女性佔69.11%。本研究的BTP是採用Stolarski等人(2011)開發之「平衡時間觀離差值法」(Deviation from Balanced Time Perspective, DBTP),即計算每位參與者在各時間觀向度上觀察到分數和理想分數之間的總差距,做為估計BTP的基礎。接著以SPSS23、Lisrel 8.52統計軟體與拔靴法(Bootstrap)執行t考驗、變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析及中介效果分析考驗研究假設。研究結果顯示:(1)BTP及趨避承諾均可顯著預測愛情關係品質(含整體關係品質及五大子指標),且BTP可顯著預測趨避承諾;(2)趨向承諾對BTP與整體愛情關係品質及滿意度指標具有部分中介效果;迴避承諾在BTP與愛情關係品質中的兩大指標(反對與誤解、矛盾與衝突)亦扮演中介角色,代表BTP可顯著預測愛情關係品質,其中有部分效果是透過趨避承諾而產生的間接作用。文末對本研究結果進行討論,並提出後續研究與實務工作之建議。
英文摘要 | This study aimed to understand the relationship between balanced time perspective, approach-avoidance commitment, and love relationship quality among 722 unmarried Taiwanese aged 18-34 years. We edited the Time Perspective Inventory, Approach-Avoidance Commitment Test, and Love Relationship Quality Form to test their approach-avoidance commitment and love relationship quality. Subsequently, we calculated their deviation from the balanced time perspective score to represent their balanced time perspective(DBTP). Data obtained in this study were tested using the t-test, analysis of variance, Pearson correlation analysis, and mediating effect analysis with statistical analysis systems, including SPSS 23 and Lisrel 8.52. The main findings revealed that balanced time perspective could significantly predict love relationship quality, including general quality and five indicators, and that balanced time perspective could significantly predict approach-avoidance commitment. Approach commitment could be a mediator between balanced time perspective and general relationship quality and relationship satisfaction; avoidance commitment could be a mediator between balanced time perspective and two indicators of relationship quality: objections and misunderstandings and conflict and ambivalence. To sum up, balanced time perspective could predict love relationship quality and, partially, through avoidance commitment. Finally, the limitations and contributions of the research were discussed, as well as suggestions for future applications in counseling and research directions.
起訖頁 | 109-146 |
關鍵詞 | 平衡時間觀、平衡時間觀離差值、時間觀、愛情關係品質、趨避承諾、Approach-avoidance commitment、balanced time perspective、deviation from balanced time perspective、love relationship quality |
刊名 | 中華輔導與諮商學報 |
期數 | 202401 (69期) |
出版單位 | 台灣輔導與諮商學會 |
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| 警校男同志性別經驗之敘事研究 |