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並列篇名 | Case Study of University Faculty Participation in the Development of Interdisciplinary Curriculum in Rural Elementary Schools |
作者 | 劉鎮寧 |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在探討大學教師參與偏鄉小學跨領域課程之發展,因考量偏鄉小學長期處於初任教師、代理教師偏高或不穩定的狀態,再加上外部人力資源不足,不利於課程發展,故以南臺灣一所偏鄉小學作為個案研究的對象。本研究主要探究大學教師參與跨領域課程發展的歷程與成果、校長的課程領導以及個案學校對大學教師參與跨領域課程發展的感受。研究參與者包括一位校長、兩位教師兼行政職務者、四位學校教師,共計七位。本研究共獲得下列三點結論:一、跨領域課程的發展歷經六個階段,具體完成概念圖、確立知識範疇、建立概念的脈絡關係以及概念內涵的銜接與統整等要素;二、校長在大學教師參與跨領域課程的發展過程中,能發揮協作課程發展與促進教師專業發展等課程領導行為;三、大學教師參與偏鄉小學跨領域課程的發展,能促進教師的專業對話與提升課程發展的專業知能。最後,本研究進一步對大學教師參與偏鄉小學課程發展、偏鄉小學發展跨領域課程、未來研究等三個層面提出建議。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to examine the participation of university faculty in the development of interdisciplinary curriculum in rural elementary schools. It is based on the fact that the elementary school in the remote rural areas have long been in a state of high or unstable numbers of beginning teachers and substitute teachers, and that the lack of external human resources is not conducive to curriculum development. Therefore, a case study was adopted, with one rural elementary school in southern Taiwan as the target school. This study mainly explored the experiences and outcomes of university faculty participation in interdisciplinary curriculum development, curriculum leadership of principals, and case schools’ perceptions of university faculty participation in interdisciplinary curriculum development. The participants in the study included the principal, two teachers with administrative duties, and four school teachers, totaling seven participants. The following three conclusions were drawn from this study: 1. The development of an interdisciplinary curriculum goes through six stages: completion of a concept map, the identification of domains of knowledge, the establishment of conceptual relationships, and the connection and integration of concepts; 2. In the situation in which university faculty participate in interdisciplinary curriculum development, the principal plays the leader in rebuilding the collaborative in curriculum development and promoted teachers’ professional development; 3. The university faculty participation in the interdisciplinary curriculum enabled the participants at the rural elementary school to understand the importance that learning, professional dialog, and curriculum development. Finally, the study makes recommendations for university faculty participation in curriculum development in rural elementary school, the development of interdisciplinary curriculum in rural elementary schools, and future research. |
起訖頁 | 001-041 |
關鍵詞 | 大學教師、偏鄉小學、跨領域課程、課程領導、university faculty、rural elementary school、interdisciplinary curriculum、curriculum leadership |
刊名 | 教育政策與管理 |
期數 | 202312 (10期) |
出版單位 | 國立臺北教育大學 |
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該期刊 下一篇
| 國小教師專業發展阻礙與助益之探究:基於 TALIS 2018 調查結果 |