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並列篇名 | The Transforming process in a Drama Therapy Group – A Case Study of Sexual Trauma Survivors |
作者 | 洪素珍、莊騏嘉、邱曉菁、徐依婷、陳佳玲、鄧曉平 |
中文摘要 | 本研究主要探究成年性侵害倖存者在戲劇治療團體中的改變歷程,研究問題為透過整理倖存者在戲劇治療團體的追蹤訪談資料,以理解倖存者以戲劇治療形式處理個人性創傷的經驗為何?採取質性研究方法,針對三年中曾參與戲劇治療之團體成員,在團體結束後一個月進行邀請訪談,共有15名成員自願接受研究。訪談內容主要為研究參與者在戲劇治療形式團體的經驗、團體帶給成員的影響,以及團體結束後成員對性創傷的情緒與想法。經由訪談資料分析之質性分析,本研究結果共分為兩大項,其一為「在戲劇治療中的改變歷程」,而改變歷程共包含四大部分:覺察創傷、承認創傷、面對創傷、嘗試改變想法與行為;其二為「促成改變的因子」,共有四大部分:內在對話的空間被打開、在團體中人際學習與實驗、帶領者的催化、戲劇治療形式對處理性創傷的幫助。基於研究發現,建議:1.協助倖存者創造可以實驗多元詮釋性創傷的過渡性空間,從中找到自己得以描繪性創傷的語言,且應並重在治療中身體在行動中的體會;2.在治療歷程中提供機會體驗到個人的創意則是重建有能感的基石;3.建議治療師帶領倖存者可以梳理各種創傷反應背後的自我保護系統之運作機制,才能增加倖存者的詮釋系統的彈性。
英文摘要 | This study explores the transformation of adult sexual abused survivors working in drama therapy groups. The research question is to understand the trauma recovery experience of drama therapy groups for female survivors by collating the follow-up interview data of the groups. Qualitative research method was adopted. The group members who had participated in drama therapy in three years were invited to interview one month after the group ended. A total of 1 members voluntarily accepted the interviews. The interview is the experience of emotions and thoughts of the sexual trauma for members after the drama therapy group. The results of this research are divided into two parts: the transformation process and the transformation factors of the drama therapy groups. The first part including four sessions: awareness of the trauma, acknowledgment the trauma, confrontation the trauma, and finally trying to change their thoughts and behaviors. The second part is that "factors that promote changing" which has four sessions: the space for inner dialogue, interpersonal learning, the catalyst of the leader, and the therapeutic factors of drama therapy.
起訖頁 | 072-105 |
關鍵詞 | 性創傷、倖存者、戲劇治療、Sexual trauma 、Survivor、Drama therapy |
刊名 | 臺灣諮商心理學報 |
期數 | 202311 (11:2期) |
出版單位 | 社團法人臺灣諮商心理學會 |
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