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並列篇名 | Crisis or Opportunity? The Disruption and Innovation of Artificial Intelligence in School Education— Starting With ChatGPT |
作者 | 呂冠緯、王大鯤 |
中文摘要 | 2022年底,OpenAI發布的ChatGPT模型在世界掀起一波人工智慧浪潮。當生成式人工智慧在語言與文字的生成與分析上,已經取得超越多數人類的表現,這將會對教育帶來什麼樣的危機或轉機?本文從學校教育現場的角度出發,從教學與學習的兩個方面分析人工智慧帶來的挑戰與應用。再針對具體案例,即可汗學院的Khanmigo與均一教育平台的Jutor,討論當教育應用結合人工智慧,如何貢獻於追求更加公平、更加卓越的教育。 |
英文摘要 | At the close of 2022, OpenAI’s release of the ChatGPT model ignited a global surge in the application of artificial intelligence. With generative artificial intelligence surpassing the capabilities of most humans in language generation and analysis, what kind of crisis or opportunity does this present for education? This article, examining the landscape of school education, delves into the challenges and applications of artificial intelligence in teaching and learning. Through specific case studies, such as Khan Academy’s Khanmigo and Junyi Academy’s Jutor, we explore how the integration of artificial intelligence into educational applications can contribute to the pursuit of a more equitable and high-quality education. |
起訖頁 | 004-015 |
關鍵詞 | ChatGPT、人工智慧、學校教育、ChatGPT、artificial intelligence、school education |
刊名 | 教育研究月刊 |
期數 | 202311 (355期) |
出版單位 | 高等教育出版公司 |
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| 整合AI、數位科技於創新教育課程設計與實踐 |