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並列篇名 | The Operation of the Specialized Organization to Assist the Closure of Private Universities in South Korea and Its Implications |
作者 | 張嘉育、劉曉芬、葉怡湘 |
中文摘要 | 韓國私學振興基金會是韓國政府依法設立,用以健全私立大學體質、輔導經營運作,以及協助私立大學退場的專責性機構,其主要目的在協助教育部推動相關政策、針對財務陷入困境的私立學校進行教育環境的改善、支援私立學校教育行政培訓,以及提供私立學校在經營管理和退場的相關諮詢。韓國私立大學占整體大學校數約80%,惟其體質條件較不若公立大學,且韓國與我國皆面臨嚴峻的少子女化衝擊,私校經營不易,復加上我國《私立高級中等以上學校退場條例》甫於2022年5月11日頒布,亟需瞭解鄰近國家的因應策略,故本研究採文件分析法,彙整韓國教育部及私學振興基金會公布的第一手資料,深入剖析韓國私學振興基金會近期針對停辦大學的支援管理及發展,期藉由他山之石汲取經驗,以完備我國大學退場的相關配套措施。 |
英文摘要 | Korea Advancing Schools Foundation (KASFO) is a specialized organization established by the South Korea government to provide guidance on the operation of private universities and to help part of them close smoothly. KASFO focuses on assisting the Ministry of Education in promoting relevant policies, helping financially troubled private universities to improve their educational environment, supporting private universities in educational administration training, and providing consultation on private universities’ management and closures. South Korea’s private universities account for 80% of the total number of universities, but the quality of private universities is not as good as public ones. In addition, both South Korea and Taiwan are facing the severe impact of low fertility, and it is not easy for private universities to operate. Since the Act of Closure of Private High School and University was just passed by the Legislative Yuan on May 11th, 2022. We are currently working on the details and need to understand the strategies of our neighboring countries. Therefore, this study adopts a document analysis to analyze the recent work and development of KASFO based on first-hand information, in the hope that through the experience of other countries, we can make the policy of university closure more smooth. |
起訖頁 | 109-139 |
關鍵詞 | 大學退場、私立大學、私學振興基金會、韓國、university closure、private university、Korea Advancing Schools Foundation、South Korea |
刊名 | 教育政策與管理 |
期數 | 202306 (9期) |
出版單位 | 國立臺北教育大學 |
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