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並列篇名 | A Comparative Study on Educational Administration System and Its Recruitment and Selection Process in Taiwan, the United States, and the United Kingdom |
作者 | 陳建志、林官蓓、黃志豪 |
中文摘要 | 教育行政事務在各國具有公眾且國家化的特性,亦為國家教育能否有效運作的重要機制。其中,教育行政制度的設計,以及如何甄選合適之教育行政人員為組織能否有效運作的關鍵要素。在《世界競爭力年報》中,美國長年維持於前10名,其教育組織層級為聯邦、州與地方,屬地方分權制;英國教育行政組織層級與臺灣相似,其教育行政選才機制逐年朝向私部門人力資源管理制度靠攏,且成效豐碩,兩國均值得深究與比較。係故,本研究目的在於透過比較臺灣、英國與美國的教育行政制度與選才機制,藉由文獻回顧與評析,透過比較研究法之描述、解釋、並列與比較的歷程,爬梳異同及歸納其優劣勢。本研究主要研究結果,包括:一、臺灣、美國與英國的教育行政制度設計不同,臺灣與英國為均權制,美國則為地方分權制;二、臺灣、美國與英國的教育行政人員選才機制殊異,臺灣重視筆試,美國與英國強調多元選才(如由用人單位自行辦理徵聘等)。最後,依據本研究結果,提出對政府未來在教育行政制度與選才發展時的建議。 |
英文摘要 | Educational administration carries unique public and national characteristics in each country, and it is crucial for the effective functioning of public education. Both the design of the educational administration system and the methods used to select suitable educational administrators play vital roles in the system’s effective operation. In the “IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook,” the United States has consistently been among the top ten, underscoring the effectiveness of its educational system, which is divided into federal, state, and local levels with a characteristic of decentralization. In contrast, the educational administration systems in the United Kingdom and Taiwan share similarities, with both moving towards private human resource management in their recruitment and selection processes for educational administrators. This study aims to compare the educational administration systems and the recruitment and selection processes for educational administrators in Taiwan, the US and the UK. Using literature review and comparative methods (description, interpretation, juxtaposition, comparison), the researchers analyzed the similarities and differences, as well as the strengths and weaknesses, of the educational administration systems and the recruitment and selection processes for educational administrators in the three countries. The key findings include: (1) The designs of the educational administration systems differ among Taiwan, the US, and the UK. Taiwan and the UK operate under egalitarian systems, while the US employs a decentralized local governance system. (2) The selection mechanisms for educational administration personnel in Taiwan, the US, and the UK are distinct. Taiwan prioritizes written exams, whereas the US and UK emphasize a more diverse recruitment process, such as direct hiring conducted by the employing entities. Based on these findings, the researchers offer suggestions for future reference. |
起訖頁 | 001-037 |
關鍵詞 | 美國、英國、教育行政人員選才機制、教育行政制度、臺灣、the United States、the United Kingdom、recruitment and selection process of educational administrators、educational administration system、Taiwan |
刊名 | 比較教育 |
期數 | 202305 (94期) |
出版單位 | 中華民國比較教育學會 |
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