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並列篇名 | Relating Students’ Perceptions of Web-Based Homework to Epistemic Beliefs |
作者 | Theerapong Binali、張欣怡、蔡今中 |
中文摘要 | 線上作業系統可融入於實體或非實體教學中以促進學生知識的建構,然而,相較於其他網路學習工具,較少有研究聚焦於線上作業系統。此外,過去研究指出,影響學生網路學習態度與行為的基本因素之一,為學生所具備的知識觀。因此,本研究聚焦於臺灣大學生對於線上作業的感知並探討知識觀與線上作業感知的關係。資料包括315份有效問卷。經由驗證性因素分析和結構方程模式的分析結果顯示,認為「權威是可評判」的學生,較能認同線上作業對其是有用的;而相信「知識是固定不變」的學生,對使用線上作業系統則傾向於保留的態度。持有「求知能力是天生不易改變」信念的學生對線上作業系統既有正面看法也有負面看法。另外,持有「求知係透過努力而來」的信念與線上作業覺知的任何維度之間均未發現顯著關係。 |
英文摘要 | We examined 315 students’ perceptions of web-based homework (WBH) and related them with their epistemic beliefs, in order to identify critical factors that may predict how students perceive and use web-based homework systems. The results of confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling showed that all goodness-of-fit indices reached the standard values. The students who valued the belief of criticizing authority were likely to perceive WBH as useful, whereas students believing in the certainty of knowledge tended to have reservations about using WBH. The students holding the belief of innate ability showed both positive and negative perceptions of WBH. No significant relationship between the epistemic belief regarding learning effort and any of the dimensions of WBH was observed. The significance and implications of the results are discussed. |
起訖頁 | 025-053 |
關鍵詞 | 知識觀、學習管理系統、線上學習、線上作業、epistemic beliefs、learning management system、online learning、web-based homework |
刊名 | 數位學習科技期刊 |
期數 | 202210 (14:4期) |
出版單位 | 數位學習科技期刊編審委員 |
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