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並列篇名 | Crossing-boundary Approaches and Collaborative Strategies in Education Governance |
作者 | 謝卓君 |
中文摘要 | 面對社會快速變遷帶來的複雜性與不確定性,政府治理教育不僅需展現效率,更應具備面對危機事件的應變與協調能力。為增進對教育治理的理解,本研究透過公共行政的理論視角,探究教育治理可能之跨域途徑與協力策略,並進一步建構有助於理解教育跨域與協力治理的分析架構。為達上述目的,本研究採分析式理論建構之研究取向,首先爬梳公共行政理論,以界定跨域與協力治理的重要概念,並說明不同概念之間的關係。其次,以臺灣高等教育學用落差議題為例,透過新聞內容分析以及政策文本分析結果,檢視個案教育議題反映之治理途徑與策略特性。最後,本研究綜合公共行政文獻與教育治理實務經驗,提出可用以探究與理解教育跨域與協力治理特性之二維向度分析架構。 |
英文摘要 | In the face of the complexity and uncertainty brought about by rapid social changes, governments not only need to demonstrate efficiency but also require capabilities to respond and deal with emergencies when governing education issues. For promoting the understanding of education governance, this study examines crossingboundary approaches and collaborative strategies from the theoretical perspective of public administration, and further develops an analytical framework for analyzing crossing-boundary and collaborative governance of educational issues. To that end, this study is identified as theory-building research by adopting an analytical conceptual approach. This paper firstly defines prominent concepts of crossing-boundary and collaborative governance based on the literature on public administration, and then illustrates the relationships between and diversity of the various concepts. Secondly, the study explores the features of crossing-boundary approaches and collaborative strategies based on the research results yielded from the content analysis of media news and governmental documents regarding a case study on the policy issue of bridging the gap between higher education and the job market in Taiwan. Finally, the paper provides a two-dimensional framework for analyzing various types of crossing boundaries and collaboration in education governance by synthesizing the theories derived from the literature on public administration and the practical evidence offered by the empirical case. |
起訖頁 | 039-078 |
關鍵詞 | 協力治理、高等教育學用落差、教育治理、新公共治理、跨域治理、collaborative governance、higher education-job mismatch、education governance、new public governance、crossing-boundary governance |
刊名 | 教育研究集刊 |
期數 | 202206 (68:2期) |
出版單位 | 國立臺灣師範大學教育學系 |
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