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並列篇名 | Preliminary Study on the Influence of Professional Guidance Counselors Manpower Increase on the College Counseling Work |
作者 | 陳斐娟、陳易芬、何凱維 |
中文摘要 | 《學生輔導法》明定專科以上學校專業輔導人員比例,並自106年起由中央主管機關每五年進行檢討。 為此,本研究以105年度獲教育部補助之公私立大專校院聘用專兼任專業輔導人員計畫共122校回覆教育 部之「教育部補助大專校院聘用專兼任輔導專業人員計畫執行成效自評表」資料進行分析;同時邀請40 位大專校院諮商輔導主管、學務長參與焦點團體座談,另對3位大專校院正副校長進行個別深度訪談, 初探大專校院增聘專兼任專業輔導人員成效,以及對學校諮商輔導工作之影響。本研究結果如下: (1)122校聘任合計490位專任專業輔導人員,其中以諮商心理師415位為最多,專任專業輔導人員服務 時數除個別諮商外,其餘定義為行政服務則占84.53%;兼任專業輔導人員則以個別諮商、測驗施解測及 團體/班級輔導為主。(2)增加專業輔導人員後之影響如下:對輔導工作更具主動性、服務更細緻、 跨單位合作、有較充裕人力處理危機個案、提升輔導量與質、增加學校資源、專業多元化、增加對專業 輔導人員支持及深廣化輔導工作等。本研究根據上述發現與結論,據以提出輔導實務面、政策面與未來 研究相關建議,以落實專業輔導人力資源之運用。
英文摘要 | After the ""Student Guidance and Counseling Act"" was enacted in 2014 in Taiwan, the Ministry of Education has provided funding to subsidize public and private colleges and universities for hiring full-time and part-time professional guidance counselors (Clinical Psychologist, Counseling Psychologist, & Social worker) to provide mental health service to students. In the process of promoting this important educational policy, it is important to assess how the increase of professional staff has impacted manpower allocation, organizational changes, school counseling work and effectiveness, and future feasible actions for college counseling work. The purpose of the study was to explore the effectiveness of the recruitment of full-time and part-time counselors in colleges and universities, as well as the impact of school counseling. The data were derived from responses of 122 public and private colleges and universities to the Ministry of Education’s self-evaluation forms. In addition, 40 college counseling center directors and deans of Student Affairs were invited to participate in focus group discussion. Also, presidents and vice presidents of three colleges and universities were interviewed individually in depth to examine the effectiveness of full-time and part-time professional guidance counselors, and their impact on college counseling. The research findings are: (1) The 122 schools employed totally 490 full-time professional guidance counselors, of which 415 are counseling psychologists. The service time of full-time professional counselors was 84.53% spending in the administrative services, except the individual counseling. Part-time professional counselors focused on individual counseling, test interpretation, and group/class counseling.(2) The quantity and quality of professional guidance counselors in each school have improved, which has also prompted each school gradually to comply with the law. However, it is not a long-term solution for each school to rely solely on funding from the Ministry of Education. Schools should continue to review and pay attention to the counselor-to-student ratio, and allocate resources to support recruitment of counselors. In addition, the roles and tasks of different counseling professionals, as well as the mode of division of labor and cooperation, still need to be continuously examined by each school.(3) The impact of the increasing number of professional guidance counselors is as follows: more initiative in counseling work, and more pratical in counseling services, cross-unit cooperation, adequate counselors to deal with crisis cases, improving the quantity and quality of counseling work, enriching school resources and professional diversity, and deepening and broadening the counseling work, etc.(4) One of the challenges for professional guidance counselors comes from the expectations of the school’s senior supervisors. The senior officials of the school expected that professional guidance counselors may maintain flexibility in their roles and tasks, and have more interaction and cooperation with personnel from different units in the school system.(5) The impact of low birth rate has led to uncertainty in the source of enrollment. Therefore, schools are relatively conservative in hiring professional guidance counselors. Whether or not the funding subsidy policy continues will affect the willingness of schools to continue the employment policy of professional guidance counselors. Based on the above findings, this study proposed suggestions for counseling practice, policy, and future research. Recommendations for policy and future research:(1) Survey the needs of students and enhance the role and function of professional counselors. (2) The role, tasks, division of labor, and cooperation between different mental health professionals (Clinical Psychologist, Counseling Psychologist, & Social worker) should be continuously assessed in order to improve the effectiveness of professional guidance counselors. (3) Improve the understanding of the senior supervisors in the school about professional guidance counseling. (4) Maintain the stability of funding subsidies and human resources policies. (5) The Ministry of Education should continue to support the professional guidance counseling in universities to meet the needs of students.
起訖頁 | 111-146 |
關鍵詞 | 大專校院輔導工作、專業輔導人員、College counseling work、professional guidance counselors |
刊名 | 中華輔導與諮商學報 |
期數 | 202201 (63期) |
出版單位 | 台灣輔導與諮商學會 |
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該期刊 上一篇
| 自尊、親子與師生關係對青少年至成年初顯期憂鬱症狀發展軌跡之探討 |