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並列篇名 | The Process of Ethical Judgment on Managing the Conflict of Internets between the Enterprise and Employees in Workplace Counseling |
作者 | 張素惠、程雅妤、莊謹鳳、王智弘 |
中文摘要 | 本研究在探討諮商師於企業諮商中面臨企業與員工利益衝突之倫理判斷歷程研究。針對五位諮商師進行 訪談,以模版式分析進行資料分析。研究發現企業諮商中會涉及不同企業與員工利益衝突議題,經歷衝 突判斷與影響階段歷程:(1)衝突階段遭遇:(a)企業生產效能與員工心理健康需求之衝突;(b) 企業管理與員工權益之衝突;(c)企業人力管理需求與員工生涯需求之衝突;(d)企業績效管理與員 工工作保障之衝突;(e)企業聲譽保護與員工權益維護之衝突。(2)判斷階段會考慮:(a)是否傷 害員工權益作為判斷;(b)是否傷害企業利益作為判斷;(c)是否違反勞動法令作為判斷;在判斷階 段後會採取:(a)考量企業人力成本以轉介外部資源;(b)善用知情同意程序;(c)尋求專家諮詢 與參照同業做法;(3)在影響階段會透過支持系統協助並找到自身調適之道:(a)建立人脈關係,爭 取組織或主管認同支持;(b)多重角色負擔,思索角色功能的調整;(c)兼顧雙重案主的聲音與需 求;(d)擴增系統觀與組織觀點。企業諮商中面臨企業與員工利益衝突之倫理判斷歷程,需要以企業 制度與員工福祉為雙軸概念進行決策判斷。諮商師學習系統觀點,工作視角應由單一案主情境轉移到雙 重案主脈絡,同時兼顧雙重案主權益作為判斷與決策行動因應。透過不斷沉澱與思考,形成下一次處理 倫理衝突事件經驗判斷。最後,本研究依據結論提出相關建議。
英文摘要 | This research explores the ethical judgment process encountered regarding the conflict of interests between companies and employees in workplace counseling services. We interviewed with an in-depth method and established qualitative data analysis by utilizing the purpose sampling method. The qualification of participants all have counseling psychologist licenses and more than two years of workplace counseling experience. They also had experiences of encountering ethical judgments issues due to conflicts of interest between the company and employees. In this study, we selected five counseling psychologists for personal in-depth interviews. Template analysis was used for data analysis. We found that different types of conflict of interests between companies and employees could involve workplace counseling, and would experience conflict judgment and influenced various stages: Initially at the first stage which is identified as the conflict stage. These psychologists would encounter: (1) The conflict between the company’s productivity and the needs of employees’ mental health; (2) The conflict between the company’s management and the rights of employees; (3) The conflict between the company’s labor needs and the needs of employees’ career development; (4) Company performance regarding the conflict between management and employees’ job security; (5) The conflict between the protection of corporate interests and the protection of employees’ rights. The subsequent stage, which is identified as the judgment stage, will consider three aspects. First of all, judging whether the rights and interests of employees have been jeopardized; second of all, judging whether the interests of the enterprise have been compromised. Finally, it is about the judgment regarding relevant labor laws and regulations. At this stage, there are three ways of managing different matters. First, enterprises consider labor costs and refer to external resources, then make good use of informed consent; and finally, is to seek expert consultation and refer to industry practices. At the last stage, which refers to the impact phase, these psychologists would assist and find adaptation methods through the support system via four steps: (1) to establish a relationship and obtain approval from the organization or supervisor; (2) to adjust role functions regarding multi-role burden; (3) to take into accounts the voices or needs of dual customers; and the last, to expand the organization view or system view. Managing the ethical judgment process of the conflict of interest between the enterprise and its employees, making decisions based on the dual-axis concept of enterprise system and employee welfare is necessary. Psychologists must understand the system perspective and change their perspectives from a single situation to dual situations. In summary, the ethical judgment process that encounters the conflict of interest between the company and its employees in corporate consulting indeed may experience a process of conflict, consideration, action, result, influence, and adjustment. This study at the end proposed recommendation as followed: (1) Suggestions to workplace counselors: Facing the context of the dual clients of organization and employees, workplace counselors need more knowledge in addition to the professional education of ""counselors"" or theoretical knowledge of psychology, as well as business management human resources, labor laws, and EAPs. And other related professional knowledge. (2) Suggestions for training institutions for counselors: The training institution for counselors should offer courses on workplace counseling and EAPs to enhance learners’ understanding of the workplace environment. In the curriculum planning, adding the theme of workplace organizational culture, value system, management system, and workplace counseling ethics can enhance the ability to respond to and judge the conflicts of workplace counseling ethics. A more comprehensive review of the ethical conflicts in workplace counseling presented by different industries and members of different organizations. (3) Suggestions for future research: Future research may consider including male counselors and different industry categories. In addition to counselors, research objects may include workplace employees and their organization’s supervisors.
起訖頁 | 117-152 |
關鍵詞 | 企業諮商、利益衝突、員工協助方案、倫理判斷、倫理衝突、Conflicts of interest、EAPs、ethical conflict、ethical judgment、workplace counseling |
刊名 | 中華輔導與諮商學報 |
期數 | 202109 (62期) |
出版單位 | 台灣輔導與諮商學會 |
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