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並列篇名 | The Reputation for Poetry in Later Tang Dynasty: A Perspective from the Sociology of Literature |
作者 | 鍾曉峰 |
中文摘要 | 創作者自覺到「詩名」對於個體生命的意義,並且產生廣泛的社會影響,在中唐時期是一新形成的現象,不僅表現在詩篇傳播的快速、廣泛;也體現於對知名詩人的讚譽崇拜。本文則著重討論晚唐時期的變化,「詩名」成為詩人不斷強調的社會價值與文學資本。這種觀念與科場競名的士林風氣密切相關。而晚唐詩人作品中不斷出現「文章聲價」、「文章聲名」相關的表述,已非單純的創作論,而是涉及主體與社會之間更深刻的變化發展。為了闡明「詩名」在晚唐的意涵轉變,本文先考察晚唐之前,文學場域對於詩歌聲名的認識,以及科舉場域爭名、重名風氣對當時詩人的影響。進而說明晚唐詩人對於「詩名」的追求意識,最後闡述晚唐詩人「以詩不朽」觀念的表述。 |
英文摘要 | Many Later Tang poets were aware of the importance of “the reputation for poetry” and regarded it as the symbol of the individual life. The populace worshiped and respected those poets has reputation of poetry already in the Middle Tang. It has become social convention and selfawareness of most poets in later Tang Dynasties. This phenomenon has a close relationship with the imperial examination system and literature tradition. This article will discuss the change of “the reputation for poetry” first form Middle Tang to Later Tang. The reputation for poetry became social value and literature capital which many poets emphasized unceasingly during the Later Tang Dynasty. The declaration of the reputation of poets is not only the theory of creating, but also the interaction of society and poets. Therefore, this article explains the function and meaning of “the reputation for poetry” and its influence on the consciousness of the creator and social behavior. In the end, the poet of the Later Tang Dynasty believed that “the reputation for poetry” could make the creator immortal. This idea has become the belief that the achievement of creation is more important than a political career. Findings from this research can help clarify understanding that a creator how to appraise the meaning and value of his poetry during the Later Tang Dynasty. Moreover, the interaction and relationship of the poet and society facilitates introspection of the history of Later Tang Dynasty poetry. |
起訖頁 | 71-101 |
關鍵詞 | 不朽、社會、晚唐、詩名、immortal、social、Later Tang Dynasty、the reputation for poetry |
刊名 | 師大學報:語言與文學類 |
期數 | 201203 (57:1期) |
出版單位 | 國立臺灣師範大學 |
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