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並列篇名 | Chinese Oversea Students’ Online Learning Experience :The Impact from Culture |
作者 | 王海东 |
中文摘要 | 发源于西欧发达国家而后推广至世界其它地区的远程教育模式,体现了西方社会以学生为中心、强调学生个性化发展的文化价值观和教育理念。当习惯于被动接受学习的中国学生走出国门,面对国外大学日趋普及的网络课程时,他们是如何体验和适应这种新型学习方式并克服潜在的文化冲突的?本研究采用质性研究设计中的深度访谈法,通过采访11名在美国参加过网上课程的中国留学生,探讨了传统文化因素对网络环境中学生学习体验的影响。研究发现,中国学生的网上学习体验具有一些不同于美国学生的独特特征;其网上学习受到传统文化价值观,如集体主义、等级观念、追求和谐、中庸保守、爱面子、注重后天勤奋等的影响;中国留学生适应网上学习的过程是一个文化商讨和建构的过程。这些发现对我们了解学习的社会文化属性、指导面向中国学生的网络教学设计具有一定的指导意义。 |
英文摘要 | Distance education has been regarded as a Western teaching model that emphasizes individual development, learner’s autonomy, active learning, and mutual communications. When Chinese students who are accustomed to a teacher─led, passive, and reticent way of learning take online courses in the West, they may confront a series of disorientations and difficulties. The purpose of this study was to explore the role of cultural values in shaping Chinese students’ online learning experiences in American universities. Through a qualitative study, eleven Chinese graduate students from six public universities in American universities. Through a qualitative study, eleven Chinese graduate students from six public universities in the Southeastern United States were selected and interviewed about their online learning experiences. Three conclusions were drawn from this study:(1)Chinese students share experiences common to all online learners, and they experience some unique features of online learning;(2)Chinese cultural values including collectivism, hierarchical relationships, conservatism and conformism, harmony─seeking, face─saving, and valuing effort and diligence, shape their online learning experiences and behaviors in a significant way;and, (3)Their online learning in U.S. universities is a process of cultural negotiation and construction. |
起訖頁 | 67-73 |
關鍵詞 | 学习体验、文化价值观、网上课程、美国大学、中国留学生、U.S. universities、online courses、cultural values、Chinese oversea students、online learning experience |
刊名 | 開放教育研究 |
期數 | 200806 (14:3期) |
出版單位 | 上海遠程教育集團;上海電視大學 |
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