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並列篇名 | An Analysis of the Difference in Family ‘s Expenditure on Education by Strata and Its Social Implications |
作者 | 曾晓东 |
中文摘要 | 教育作为社会事业的组成部分,社会分层现象必然对它产生深远影响。通过对家庭教育支出进行分类别分析,得出三个关键性的结论。首先,学校收取的两类教育费用的阶层差异相对较小,分布均匀,收费治理已经取得明显收效;其次,家庭教育支出的阶层差异主要反映在选择性教育支出项目上,择校和课外辅导支出反映出明显的阶层偏好;第三,交付学校用于购买必要学习用品和住宿的费用在各类家庭中的差别不大,但是,对低收入家庭算是较沉重的负担。在数据分析的基础上,还就家庭教育支出的政策意义和社会意义进行了研究,指出改进教育预算制度、对学习用品和住宿行补贴是提高财政投入效率的有效措施。 |
英文摘要 | Education as part of public undertakings is profoundly affected by social stratification. This article undertakes a by─category analysis of family expenditures on education and has reached three conclusions. Firstly, difference among social strata in paying the two kinds of school─charged fees has been narrowed, confirming that the Government’s policies to rein fees and charges are effective;secondly, the difference in such expenditure lies in the optional items such as school choice and out─of─school tuitions fees, revealing the stratum─based preferences;thirdly, the fees charged by schools to cover the costs of stationeries and accommodations, though not contributing to significant variations among strata, is still imposing heavy burdens on low─income families. On the analysis of statistics, this paper also makes study of the policy and social implications of family expenditures on education, arguing that to improve education budgeting and subsidizing on the stationeries and accommodation will be one of the effective measures to enhance the financing efficacy. |
起訖頁 | 80-86 |
關鍵詞 | 教育经济学、政策和社会意义、社会分层、家庭教育支出、social and policy implications、social stratification、family expenditure on education、education economics |
刊名 | 教育學報 |
期數 | 200812 (4:6期) |
出版單位 | 北京師範大學 |
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