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並列篇名 | Two Paradoxes of Japanese Culture and the Characteristic Evolution of Japanese Education |
作者 | 王永祯、于洪波 |
中文摘要 | 本文试图从史实和学理两个方面分析日本文化的两个悖论:在近代以前与中国文化同文同种的日本文化,为何在近代以后结出了异花异果?明治维新以后在「脱亚入欧」的现代化过程中,日本文化为何没有全盘西化?文章认为,正确地解读这两个文化悖论,是把握日本教育性格特征及其目前改革脉络的关键。 |
英文摘要 | The paper analyses two paradoxes of Japanese culture in the aspects of historical facts and scientific principle of theory: why had Japanese culture, which shared the same origin with its Chinese counterpart in pro-modern times, gotten a different result in modern era? Why hadn’t Japanese culture been entirely westernized in the process of modernization after the Meiji Reformation in 1868? The author thinks that a proper interpretation of the two paradoxes is crucial for the understanding of the characteristics of Japanese education and of its current reform trend. |
起訖頁 | 80-84 |
關鍵詞 | 比较教育、日本、文化悖论、形式规则、教育性格、Comparative education、Japan、Cultural paradoxes、Formula、Characteristics of education |
刊名 | 教育學報 |
期數 | 200606 (2:3期) |
出版單位 | 北京師範大學 |
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| 论存在主义的教师观 |
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| 教育史学的学术功能与社会功能 |