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並列篇名 | The Effectiveness of Single Clay Therapy on Adolescence with Negative Emotions |
作者 | 朱惠瓊、胡名鎔 |
中文摘要 | 黏土媒材具可塑性,處理負向情緒例如失落、憤怒時,透過其特性讓個案找到內在重塑性(resourcing) 與充賦權能(empowering)的感受,讓深層的負向情緒透過黏土傳遞與再現,並讓那些原本無法言語的 部分可以視覺化。本研究目的為運用具軟黏土特性的人面公仔洩氣球為創作暖身之用具,超輕黏土創作 為治療性介入的媒材,引導青少年在本研究單次會談當中能紓解與釋放情緒。本研究以質性研究之主題 分析法為分析方法,半結構式訪談進行資料蒐集,共計訪談五位具有負向情緒之青少年。訪談大綱主題 包含有對於黏土創作的感受與想法、對負面情緒的影響內涵以及對於情緒的幫助性。本研究結果發現: (1)感受黏土可塑特性,對於青少年在壓力情緒轉化有助益。透過創作時不同的手部肌肉運作與黏土 接觸歷程,能夠達到情緒宣洩以及個人生命經驗的再連結;(2)黏土具有重新賦能與框架的特質,能 夠激發內在需求、自我對話以及經驗的統整;(3)透過黏土媒材獨特性,能夠連結內外在世界、時間 脈絡以及作品意義,產生個人內在療癒力量。依據本研究結果提供未來表達性治療相關研究與實務工作 者,在評估個體需求下可以使用黏土作為諮商工作之媒介,但同時也需要考量黏土不同特性進行工具的 選擇;再進一步針對不同黏土,例如油土、樹脂土、陶土、超輕土等各種黏土類的應用差異;或者是將 黏土運用在不同族群了解其成效。研究限制在於參與者較少,成效評估尚待考量,未來可嘗試在不同領 域進一步探究。
英文摘要 | Clay was with the characteristic of moldability. In dealing with negative emotions such as loss, anger, counselor worked through the characteristics of clay to allow client to find internal resourcing and the feeling of empowerment. Negative emotions were expressed and transformed by the clay, and originally unspeakable emotions can be visualized. And those parts of the original unspeakable can be visualized. For adolescents that were not good at verbal expression, clay has good facilitating effect (Sherwood, 2004). In this study, we use the human face doll deflating ball as warm-up materials and the ultra-light clay as the intervention materials, so that young people through the creative process to achieve the effectiveness of release stress. Data were collected by semi-structure interview and analyzed by thematic analysis. There were five adolescents with negative emotions were interviewed. The interview outline topics included feelings and thoughts about clay creation, impacts for negative emotions, and helpfulness for emotions. The results showed that (1) It was very helpful for adolescents to use clay plasticity to release stress and transform their emotions from negative to positive. Through different creative and contacting movements with clay, emotional catharsis could be achieved, along with reconnection to positive personal life experiences. (2) Clay, with its characteristics of empowerment and reframing, could stimulate internal needs, self-dialogue, and integration of experiences such as important events in early life, to reconnect to emotions from the past and imagine life experiences in a bright and colorful way. The creative process generates self-dialogue and expresses internal needs, for example: ""cases emerged from a state of silence,"" ""the comforting effect of human venting balls,"" ""self-homogeneity through the plasticity of the medium,"" ""the finished product helps rethink the dilemma of life.” The semi-fluid material could enable the re-experiencing and reorganization of the inner emotions; its connotations include ""re-framing the meaning of being rejected by peers,"" ""reconstruction of self-confidence,"" ""enhancement of self-awareness ability,"" and ""Reframing emotional expression."". (c) Through the unique characteristics of clay, they could link their inner and outer worlds, time context, and the meaning of their actions, resulting in activating their own inner healing power. Further, according to the study, clay could be used as a medium in counseling situations; however, the choice of clay needs consideration. The sensory feeling of the medium is beneficial for promoting the ""re-recovery of the human-face doll discharge balloon,"" which can be reshaped through the sensory feelings of ""beating,"" ""slapping,"" ""pulling,"" ""pressing,"" and ""vision"" and ""smell,"" so that the sensation can be re-experience, and thus can catalyze and accelerate the communication of emotions. Concretizing inner feelings represents a ""re-reminder of the positive attitude of a particular work to the right full,"" ""a symbol of the power of self-healing within an individual,"" ""a magical self-suggestion and metaphor,"" and ""a buffer bridge to form a link between the parties and emotions."" It could also be used as intervention to overcome the negative emotions of adolescents through different art media, to understand the differences, and to apply clay to different groups to study its effectiveness. Based on the results of this study, we provide suggestions for related studies and practical activities of expressive art therapy in the future. For example, use of clay in psychotherapy and counseling processes could enhance personal self-awareness; and to explore the effectiveness of different clay such as oil modeling clay, resin clay, pottery clay and light air dry clay may be applied in art therapy research and to apply in different groups. The limitation of the research was that intervention frequency and the small number of participants resulted in certain effectiveness which was discussed, but should be investigated further in different fields.
起訖頁 | 069-102 |
關鍵詞 | 青少年、負向情緒、黏土治療、Adolescence、clay therapy、negative emotion |
刊名 | 中華輔導與諮商學報 |
期數 | 202009 (59期) |
出版單位 | 台灣輔導與諮商學會 |
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