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並列篇名 | Developing Self-cultivation Counseling Psychology Theories and Empirical Studies Based on the Chinese Cultural Traditions of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism: Towards Self-enlightenment Psychotherapy |
作者 | 夏允中、黃光國 |
中文摘要 | 本專刊的主題為本土諮商心理學,期許華人學者能開啟以儒釋道文化為基礎,開展修養諮商心理學理 論與實徵研究,因此本文提出:(1)華人諮商心理學的困境及其原因與呼喚「本土」的心理治療理 論;(2)儒釋道文化自我觀可以開展新的諮商心理學理論,其中儒釋道文化自我觀,基本上是以自性 覺醒的修養歷程來減少或根除慾望的我,來達到終極快樂的境界。接著本文分別說明儒家三層次(庶 人、士大夫與聖王)修養的自我曼陀羅模型、佛家三層次(未入道者、聲聞/獨覺與佛/菩薩)修養 的自我曼陀羅模型與以易經為基礎的內在朝向式多層次立體自我曼陀羅模型;(3)本期所收錄的五篇 論文正好可由儒釋道自性覺醒的修養模型來加以詮釋與探討,第一篇論文是宗教的四窗、四鏡、羅盤 與黑洞:宗教自我曼陀羅模型的諮商應用,可以用來引導案主通往佛法自性覺醒的修養徑路。第二篇 論文發展的儒釋道喪禮儀式的悲傷療癒歷程模式,說明儒釋道文化如何對喪親者產生悲傷倫理療癒。 第三篇論文為運用多重時空框架經驗整合能力,可增加對父母感激之情與忍讓行為;第四篇論文關注 在文化心理劇,探討華人家庭關係之歷程與效果。從儒與佛家修養自我曼陀羅模型來看孝道與關係的 重要性,他們都是往聖王的「至善之性」修養與佛/菩薩境界的重要一環。最後一篇論文探究心理劇 中「替身經驗」現象,研究結果對同理能力訓練的有重要參考;從儒釋道的自性修養的模型來看,同 理能力是修養的重要先前步驟;(4)本文最後建議,可參考這三個模型,來邁向自性覺醒的修養諮商 心理學理論建構與實踐,開展出更有助全人發展的助人專業。
英文摘要 | The article presents four statements as follows. (1) Reasons for Chinese counseling psychology dilemma and calling for indigenous psychotherapy theories. (2) The maintenance/strength of self is a very core concept in Western psychology and is articularly relevant to egoism, a process that draws on the hedonic principle in pursuit of desires. Contrary to this and based on the three major Chinese cultural traditions, Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, a self-enlightenment cultivating process aims to minimize or extinguish the desired self, leading to authentic and durable happiness. The self concepts based on the Chinese cultural traditions of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism could open new counseling psychology theories. For the reason, the article presents the three self-enlightenment models based on the three major Chinese philosophies. The universal Mandala Model of Self (MMS) was developed to describe the well-functioning self in various cultures. The MMS is suitable for analyzing the structure of Chinese philosophies to construct the SEM. The ego and selfenlightenment aspects of psychological self-functioning and their underlying processes are compared, drawing on the four concepts of the MMS: biology, ideal person, knowledge/wisdom and action. ""Self"" is a psychological term, based on the MMS, the self is the locus of empirical experience, and it takes various actions depending on the social context. It also engages in reflexivity and wisdom when blocked from attaining its goals. The wisdom contained in the personal stock of knowledge can lead individuals to act intelligently in various social contexts. According to the MMS, one important characteristic of individuals is the ability to engage in agency-oriented reflexivity on the meaning of life. People in different cultures exhibit different kinds of wisdom when they think about spirituality, the meaning of their life, and their morality. Individuals’ attempts to define their own moral conscience create a normative wisdom that circulates within the society. Confucian three-layered Mandala Model of Self (MMS) of the self-cultivation (ordinary people, scholar and king), Buddhist three-layered (MMS of the self-cultivation (non-Buddhist, Śrāvaka/Pratyeka Buddha and Buddha) and an inward multilayer-stereo MMS based on the Book of Changes are presented. (3) The current special issue include five papers that echo for the three self-enlightenment models based on the Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism. The first paper used the concepts of four windows, four mirrors, compass and black hole of religion into clinical application on the way of self-enlightenment process. The second paper developed the Grief Healing Model of the funeral rituals based on the Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism to elucidate how the Chinese ethics of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism can be used for grief healing. The third paper found that integration of cross-time-and-space experience increased the positive relationship between adult children and aging parents in terms of gratitude and ""Ren-Rang"" behavior. The fourth paper focused the indigenous psychodramatic model in Chinese family relational issues arising from bi-cultural conflict. Based on the Confucian and Buddhist self-enlightenment models, the filial piety and successfully managing close relationships are required by the self-enlightenment process in order to attain the goodness of king and Buddha levels. The final paper illustrated the experience of doubling in psychodrama leading to increased empathy ability. Based on the Confucian, Buddhist and Taoist self-enlightenment models, the empathy ability is needed for the self-cultivation process. (4) Based on these three self-enlightenment models, the construction of self-cultivation counseling theories and their practice could be implemented. Although more research is needed on this front, it is hoped that we will open significant new avenues for mental health and unravel the secret of why Chinese cultural traditions of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism has lasted for thousands of years.
起訖頁 | 001-020 |
關鍵詞 | 本土諮商心理學、自性覺醒、儒釋道、修養、修養心理學、Buddhism and Taoism、Confucianism、indigenous counseling psychology、psychology of selfcultivation、self-cultivation、self-enlightenment |
刊名 | 中華輔導與諮商學報 |
期數 | 201901 (54期) |
出版單位 | 台灣輔導與諮商學會 |
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該期刊 下一篇
| 宗教的四窗、四鏡、羅盤與黑洞:宗教自我曼陀羅模型的諮商應用 |