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並列篇名 | Review and Prospect of Narrative Research in the Field of Psychology and Counseling in Taiwan |
作者 | 林美珠、溫錦真 |
中文摘要 | 本文主要目的在透過臺灣心理與諮商領域的敘事研究期刊論文之回顧,捕捉敘事研究的特色與意義, 同時展望未來敘事研究的可能研究理路。本文以敘事的定位、方法論、及回顧性文獻作為分析之視 野,從心理與諮商相關學術期刊論文中對於自我定位為敘事研究或敘事分析者,進行爬梳、分析、與 詮釋。本文從研究範例發現臺灣心理與諮商敘事研究具有故事的力量、心理諮商與治療改變的隱喻、 敘事分析方法多元與複雜化、以及助人工作者反身梳理等特色。展望未來,本文提出五項敘事研究的 可能研究理路:(1)百花齊放的研究取向或現象,預告人文與社會科學學科的跨界發展。(2)多數 敘事研究採用整體-內容分析法,忽略敘事形式與層次,以及定位及方法未明之問題,回歸敘事的語言 本質是可能的解決徑路。(3)對於不同的研究典範之掌握、什麼是健康的敘事、好的敘事研究之判準 等,有待未來更多的釐清與探討。(4)從故事到實務工作的提升,兩者間存有的斷裂情形有待未來研 究補強。(5)臺灣走過敘事研究多年,仍需進一步的聚合與串連,以達本土化理論之建構。本文因取 樣的有限性,研究結果之推論有其限制。最後本文回顧與展望所得結論乃暫時、非唯一的真理,期待 未來研究者可以經由更多的對話,開啟敘事研究所帶來的不同意義與啟發。
英文摘要 | The purpose of this paper is three fold: (1) Review narrative studies published in psychology and counseling journals in Taiwan; (2) highlight features and significances of narrative research; and (3) discuss future research directions for improving this literature. This paper is grounded on the definition of the word of narrative, methodology of narrative research, and reviews from counseling professions. Included in this review were 67 narrative studies in journals of psychology and counseling which could be described as narrative research or using the method of narrative analysis. By the method of probing, analyzing, and interpreting, this paper presents four aspects and related research examples to illustrate significances of current narrative studies in Taiwan. (1) Narrative studies show the power of story which characterizes the dialectical relationship between personal and social construction. (2) The concept of narrative can be served as the metaphor of counseling process and changes, and can be applied to studies across counseling and psychotherapy approaches. (3) The idea of holisticcontent analysis from Lieblich, Tuval-Mashiach and Zilber was preferred and adopted in most studies, however researchers claimed that method of narrative analysis should be more diverse and complex. (4) Self-narrative studies encourage helping professionals and learners to reflect on themselves and generate their own helping knowledge, which would subsequently empower themselves and others. Although significant features were found from the review of existing narrative research, current trends of narrative studies still reveal many challenges today, especially those issues from methodology, which need to be clarified and improved. Accordingly, this paper presents five prospects for future narrative research in the field of psychology and counseling. First, from mono-tone to multiple-tone, there are diverse approaches and phenomena shown in narrative studies. Further, there is a tendency to develop toward a new paradigm of qualitative research by the refinement of cross-disciplinary study of humanities and social science. Second, with the majority of narrative research adopting the perspective of holistic-content in the analysis of narratives or stories, possible falls into the mere induction of themes would occur, and it is possible to disregard the narrative form and multi-level analysis. Moreover, there arise problems of lacking clarity in the definition and research method. And the way to work with such challenges is to return to the ""language"" nature of narrative. Third, there is a need for more exploration and clarification for issues such as adopted research paradigm, what is healthy narrative, and what are the criteria for good enough narrative research. Moreover, whether the focus of study is based on the perspectives of macro vs. micro, or narrative coherence vs. complexity, also need to be clarified. Forth, there is a gap between stories studied and promotion of counseling practice. In other words, with many stories collected, it is time to work on filling this gap. Finally, there has been many years in the development of narrative research in Taiwan, and many indigenous life stories and counseling stories have been accumulated. More efforts need to be invested in the convergence and connection at the level of theory construction. Conclusions of this paper are tentative, and are not the only truth. This paper invites more researchers to engage in more dialogues and exchanges their perspectives regarding narrative research.
起訖頁 | 081-116 |
關鍵詞 | 回顧與展望、敘事研究、Narrative research、review and prospect |
刊名 | 中華輔導與諮商學報 |
期數 | 201810 (53期) |
出版單位 | 台灣輔導與諮商學會 |
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