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台灣輔導與諮商專業的繼承與開展: 本土輔導與諮商專業發展的回顧與探索
並列篇名 | Inheritance and Development of Taiwan's Guidance and Counseling Profession: Review and Exploration of the Development of Local Guidance and Counseling Profession |
作者 | 林幸台、王智弘 |
中文摘要 | 台灣輔導與諮商學會創立即將屆滿六十年,一甲子的耕耘與貢獻使台灣輔導與諮商專業的發展達到了 一個空前的高度,中華輔導與諮商學報為紀錄與慶賀這一個專業發展的光輝時刻,特別規劃台灣輔導 與諮商專業發展的回顧專題,透過對輔導與諮商學界進行邀稿與徵稿的程序,廣邀台灣輔導與諮商的 優秀學者共同撰文,就輔導與諮商各專業研究領域之重要主題進行台灣輔導與諮商專業發展的回顧與 展望,專題的發行則依稿件徵集與審查通過的進度分期刊出,本期的回顧與展望專題共收錄有五篇稿 件,分別就家族治療、靈性諮商、敘事研究、心理位移與倫理研究等主題進行了本土發展的專業回顧 與展望。這五篇論文不約而同的都提出了對台灣輔導與諮商專業本土發展與反思的議題,論文中既仔 細回顧了輔導與諮商專業在家族治療、靈性諮商、敘事研究、心理位移與倫理研究等主題上的過去發 展,也深入的反思其不足之處,更指出了未來可能的發展方向,一甲子的歲月正適宜進行回顧與展 望,台灣輔導與諮商專業多年來在國際化與本土化等重要議題的激盪下,如何在台灣本土進行持續的 發展以及如何在亞洲與世界扮演積極貢獻的角色,這是本專題與本學報所關切的議題,對此,本文也 在本專題論文的共識基礎之上,展望未來,提出文化的繼承與融合是台灣輔導與諮商專業的有利發展 方向。
英文摘要 | The establishment of the Taiwan Guidance and Counseling Association is about to celebrate its 60th anniversary. The development and contribution of Taiwan’s Guidance and counseling profession has reached an unprecedented height. The Chinese Journal of Guidance and Counseling hopes to record and celebrate this professional development. At the glorious moment, the special issue of ""Review of Taiwan’s Counseling and Counseling Professional Development"" was planned. Through the process of invitation submit papers, the outstanding scholars in Taiwan who are working on guidance and counseling were invited to jointly write a review of Taiwan’s Guidance and counseling professional development from different professional research fields. The special issue is published in the current journal based on the invited papers. This review of the special issue consists of five papers on the professional development and exploration of the topic of family therapy, spiritual counseling, narrative research, psychological displacement and ethical research. These five papers focused on the local development and reflection of Taiwan’s counseling and counseling professions. They not only carefully reviewed the past developments of counseling and counseling in family therapy, spiritual counseling, narrative research, psychological displacement and ethical research. They also deeply reflect on their shortcomings, and point out the possible future development direction. The years of a Jiazi (sixty years) are suitable for retrospective and forward-looking. Under the influence of internationalization and indigenization, the special issue also delineates how the guidance and counseling professions should develop in Taiwan and what role they would play in Asia and the world. Finally, the paper proposed that the strategies to inherit Chinese culture and integrate Chinese culture with Western culture are positive development directions for Taiwan’s guidance and counseling profession in the future.
起訖頁 | 001-022 |
關鍵詞 | 文化的繼承與融合、本土化、台灣輔導與諮商學會、回顧與展望、國際化、Indigenization、internationalization、inheritance and integration of culture、 retrospect and prospect、Taiwan Guidance and Counseling Association |
刊名 | 中華輔導與諮商學報 |
期數 | 201810 (53期) |
出版單位 | 台灣輔導與諮商學會 |
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