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Real Time Attacker Behavior Pattern Discovery and Profiling Using Fuzzy Rules
並列篇名 | Real Time Attacker Behavior Pattern Discovery and Profiling Using Fuzzy Rules |
作者 | K. Narasimha Mallikarjunan、S. Mercy Shalinie、G. Preetha |
英文摘要 | Computer security investigation would benefit from more information about the characteristics of the human attacker behind a security incident. Present security mechanisms focus on the characteristics of attack, rather than that of the attacker. Attacker behavior analysis is a challenging problem, as relevant data cannot be found easily. We apply cognitive analysis on the network traffic data logs to find the attacker category and infer his intentions. We propose a Fuzzy-rule based approach to categorize the attacker. To make the system more resilient, the attacker’s profile is subjected to behavioral analysis. Real time case study results assert that the proposed technique achieves a good accuracy in classifying the attacker, by discovering the attacker’s behavioral pattern. Further it can be used to assist security and forensic investigators in profiling human attackers. |
起訖頁 | 1567-1575 |
關鍵詞 | Network forensics、Attacker behavior、Attacker profile、Fuzzy-rule based approach |
刊名 | 網際網路技術學刊 |
期數 | 201809 (19:5期) |
出版單位 | 台灣學術網路管理委員會 |
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