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並列篇名 | Ethical Judgment Process for Employee Assistance Program Professionals on Confidentiality Issues |
作者 | 張素惠、莊謹鳳、王智弘 |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在探討員工協助方案人員面對保密議題之倫理判斷歷程研究。針對六名企業內部EAPs人員採個別深度訪談,以敘說研究中採用「類別-內容」進行質性分析。研究結果發現企業內部EAPs人員會涉及不同型態的保密議題,並會經歷衝突、判斷與影響階段歷程:一、在衝突階段會遭遇:1.行政力量介入EAPs運作,導致保密兩難的壓力;2.當事人對保密知覺態度的差異;3.涉及保密例外與預警責任的衝突;二、在判斷階段會考慮五個面向:1.以員工協助方案人員倫理守則作為基礎判斷;2.考量個案的權益是否受到傷害作為判斷;3.以個案最大福祉作考慮;4.評估並啟動相關資源協助;5.善用知情同意並尊重當事人自主決定權;三、在影響階段會透過支持系統協助並找到自身調適的方法:1.內部自我調適;2.尋求外部支持系統協助;3.重新定位EAPs服務功能;4.調整因應策略。這些歷程將會不斷沉澱與思考,逐漸形成下一次處理倫理衝突事件的經驗判斷。最後,本研究依據研究結果提出相關建議。 |
英文摘要 | This study explored the ethical judgment process of employee assistance program (EAPs) professionals on confidentiality issues. In-depth interviews were conducted with six EAPs professionals within the company, and the “category content” strategy was used for conducting qualitative analysis in the narrative study. The study found that EAPs professionals within the company have different types of confidentiality issues and experience the conflict, judgment, and impact stages of the ethical judgment process. First, the following confidentiality issues are encountered in the conflict stage: (1) the involvement of administrative forces in the operation of EAPs, thus leading to a confidentiality dilemma, (2) the differences in the attitudes of the parties toward the perception of confidentiality, and (3) the conflicts in the consideration of the confidential exception and the duty to warn. Second, in the judgment stage, EAPs professionals within the company make ethical judgments and decisions based on five aspects: (1) by using the EAPs code of ethics, (2) by considering whether the rights of the client are harmed, (3) by considering the optimal welfare of the client, (4) by evaluating and initiating related resource assistance, and (5) by considering the informed consent aspect in the decision for the parties. Third, in the impact stage, EAPs professionals within the company seek support from the support system and develop their adjustment methods: (1) internal self-adjustment, (2) inquiry pertaining to the external support system assistance, (3) redefining of the EAPs service function, (4) adjustment and coping strategies, and others. These processes will continue to precipitate and reflect, gradually forming the next treatment experience and judgment of ethical conflict events. Finally, based on the research results, this study also proposed relevant suggestions for the practical development of EAPs and the future research of the ethical issues of these programs. |
起訖頁 | 231-255 |
關鍵詞 | 保密、員工協助方案、倫理、倫理判斷、倫理衝突、Confidentiality、Employee assistance programs、Ethical conflicts、Ethical impact、Ethical judgment |
刊名 | 教育心理學報 |
期數 | 201912 (51:2期) |
出版單位 | 國立臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導學系 |
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| 臨床護理師職業倦怠雙元三因子效度研究 |
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| 完美主義的領域特定性:端視於個體特性及檢視的領域 |