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並列篇名 | The Restrictive Factors and Functioning Mechanism of the Development of the Private Kindergarten in China: From the Perspective of the Theory of Ecological System |
作者 | 李辉 |
中文摘要 | 民办幼儿园是我国学前教育事业的重要组成部分,是促进学前教育改革的重要力量,但当前发展中存在收费、教师待遇、教育质量等突出问题。基于生态系统理论视角分析民办园的生态环境系统与其结构要素对之发展的制约及作用机理,可以看出:微系统中家庭、管理部门、劳动力市场、社区直接制约民办园发展;外系统中社会分层、政府职能和管理体制、劳动力市场分割、社区发育程度通过影响微系统制约民办园发展;宏系统中文化观念、法律政策既直接制约民办园发展,又通过影响微系统、外系统而产生制约作用。破解之道要系统设计、重点击破,尤其应明确民办同的法人地位、明晰其管理主体及职责、推进人事制度改革并积极培育劳动力市场,以促进民办园健康发展。 |
英文摘要 | As an important part of early childhood education system in China, private kindergarten is an important force to promote early childhood education reform. However, there are some salient problems in the aspects of fee charge, teachers' reward and education quality in its current development. Based on the ecological system theory, the present study analyzed how the eco-environment system and its structural elements of the private kindergarten restricted its development and the functioning mechanism. It is found that in the microsystem, the elements of family, administrative department, labor market and community directly restricted the development of the private kindergarten; in the exosystem, the elements of social classification, government functions and administrative system, labor market segmentation and community development degree restricted the development of the private kindergarten through influencing microsystem; meanwhile, in the macrosystem, cultural concept, law and policy not only directly restricted the development of the private kindergarten, but also brought about a restraining effect through influencing microsystem and exosystem. The solution should be systematically designed but focused on break-throughs, which especially should make clear the legal status of the private kindergarten, its management subject and responsibility, and promote the reform of the personnel system and foster the labor market in order to promote the sound development of private kindergarten. |
起訖頁 | 082-089 |
關鍵詞 | 民办幼儿园、生态环境系统、结构要素、制约因素、作用机理 |
刊名 | 教育學報 |
期數 | 201210 (8:5期) |
出版單位 | 北京師範大學 |
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