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海啸来时各自飞 蕴藏的四层实践性意义
並列篇名 | Revisiting the Concept of Tsunami Tendenko |
作者 | 矢守克也、孙英英 |
中文摘要 | 东日本大地震发生后,“海啸来时各自飞(tsunami tendenko)”备受关注,声名鹊起。在日语里,“海啸来时各自飞”意味着“海啸避难时,每个人只顾自己,不等待任何人,即使是自己的骨肉至亲”。在日本东北地区,人们把它作为一个非常重要的避难手段代代相传。在海啸来临之前的短暂时间内迅速避难到海拔高的地方,是唯一有效的延续家族命运的方法。按照通俗的理解,这个词语仅仅强调保护自己的生命。但是,根据关于东日本大地震的调查数据,它还包含以下三层意义:促进他人的避难;构筑信任的基础;缓解生者的愧疚。 |
英文摘要 | The term "tsunami tendenleo" has become widely known after the massive tsunami lriggered by the G-reat East Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2011. In Japanese, tendenko refers to an"everyone for him/herself" mindset, which calls for a quick tsunami evacuation without waiting for others, not even one's parents or children. The wordtendenko has been handed down in the Tohoku region as an important code of action to be observed in local communities at risk of tsunami, because a quick evacuation to higher ground without taking care of anyone has been considered the only way to escape from the complete de- struction of a devastating wave. This principle focuses on saving only one's own life. However, based on empirical data of the Great East Japan Earthquake, tendenko also has three other important meanings: prompting evacuation by others, constructing trust foundation, and easing survivors' guilt. |
起訖頁 | 065-072 |
關鍵詞 | 海啸、避难、海啸来时各自飞、东日本大地震 |
刊名 | 教育學報 |
期數 | 201210 (8:5期) |
出版單位 | 北京師範大學 |
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