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並列篇名 | An Investigation on Disaster Prevention Literacy of Secondary School Teachers in China |
作者 | 王民、蔚东英、朱小丽、伊娜 |
中文摘要 | 教师防灾素养的高低在一定程度上决定了防灾教育的实施效果。经调查发现,我国教师防灾素养整体偏低,主要制约因素为师资培训、教材建设、教学研究、教学评价、长效机制与制度保障。为促进灾害教育的开展,保障灾害教育效果,应尽快通过灾害教育师资培训和防灾素养调查以推进灾害教育。 |
英文摘要 | The level of the disaster prevention literacy of secondary school teachers to some extent de termines the effectiveness of the implementation of disaster education. Based on a survey, it is found that the teachers' disaster prevention literacy is low as a whole; teachers have high disaster prevention attitudes but little knowledge and skills. The authors proposed that disaster education teacher training should be carried out to form long-effect mechanism and promote the implementation of disaster education. |
起訖頁 | 052-058 |
關鍵詞 | 学校灾害教育、防灾素养、灾害意识、皮尔逊检验 |
刊名 | 教育學報 |
期數 | 201210 (8:5期) |
出版單位 | 北京師範大學 |
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| 我国灾害教育研究基本问题综述 |
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| 浅谈台湾灾害防救教育推动概况 |