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並列篇名 | Nation-Building and Citizenship Education in a Multicultural Society |
作者 | 范微微、赵明玉、饶从满 |
中文摘要 | 多元文化社会已经成为当今世界各国普遍存在的社会现实。国家的公民构成多样化不断冲击着民族国家原本稳固的社会情感基础。这些文化群体在相互碰撞、融合过程中发生的冲突和对抗加剧了人们对于国家秩序和团结的担忧。在这样的国内外环境下,对于国家认同和归属的情感显得有些复杂。现代民族国家需要公民教育的整合功能,以强化公民的情感联结;现代民主国家需要公民教育的民主化功能,以实现公民素质和能力的提高。因此,现代国家必须找到一条与它们的新角色相一致的社会团结和凝聚的新途径和基础。多元文化主义思想在这种复杂的关系中发挥着作用。 |
英文摘要 | Multicultural society has become widespread social reality in contemporary world. The cul-tural diversity of citizens has constantly challenged the nation-state solid social emotional basis. The con- flicts in the process of cultural collision and fusion among these cultural groups aggravate people's concern about national order and unity. In such domestic and international contexts, the sense of national identity and belonging seems complicated. The modern nation-states require citizenship education's function of in-tegration to strength citizens' emotional attachment. The modern democratic nations require citizenship education's function of democratization to improve citizens' qualities and abilities. Therefore, modern states must find a new way and foundation for social solidarity and cohesion that are consistent with their new role. The theory of multiculturalism plays a role in such complicated relationship. |
起訖頁 | 011-017 |
關鍵詞 | 多元文化社会、国家建构、多元文化主义、国家认同、公民教育 |
刊名 | 教育學報 |
期數 | 201210 (8:5期) |
出版單位 | 北京師範大學 |
該期刊 上一篇
| 关于 留学生、现代性与资本语境 的对话 |
該期刊 下一篇
| 论关系存在中当代教师德性的消解与回归 |