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並列篇名 | Tang Dynasty Medical Books in the Sex Manual Thinking from Sun Simiao's “Invaluable Prescriptions for Ready Reference” |
作者 | 丁威仁 |
中文摘要 | 自戰國晚期到兩漢時期,房中之學從中醫書裡獨立出來,已然變成《漢書‧藝文志》所著錄的重要學科,對於帝王貴族生活產生極大的影響。到了魏晉南北朝時期,從葛洪、陶弘景等人的文獻可以發現,房中術與道教學說進行互涉與統合,甚至於有些書目被賦予了「經」的地位。然而,進入隋唐,房中思想的系統與脈絡,一方面回歸兩漢以前的中醫學系統,另一方面則繼承道教學說的發展脈絡,就形式上則成為中醫書的專章,表面上雖然脫離兩漢獨立學科的概念,但其卻影響至一般民眾,房內之學透過醫書傳播,反而更為普及。本文便以從唐至明流行不輟,同時具備承先啟後價值的孫思邈《備急千金要方》一書作為研究對象,希望能夠考察孫思邈「房內醫學」的脈絡與根源,呈現隋唐中醫學裡對於房中術的觀點。 |
英文摘要 | From the late Warring States Period to the Eastern Han Dynasty, the sex manual study, which has become independent from the traditional Chinese medicine books, has then become an important subject recorded in ''Record of Literature and Arts in Hanshu”. The sex manual study has a tremendous impact on the life of kings and nobility. By the time of the Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties, from the literatures of Ge Hong and Tao Hongjing et al., it was found that the sex manual study and Taoism were inter-related and integrated, and even some bibliographies were given the status of “classic”. However, in the Sui and Tang dynasties, the system and context of the thoughts in the sex manual study, on the one hand, were returned to the traditional Chinese medicine system before the Han dynasty. On the other hand, they inherited the development of Taoism and formally became the monographs of Chinese medicine books. It seemed to be separated from Han Dynasty's independent discipline, but the school of science through medical books actually affected the general public more than ever. This article use Sun Sanyuan's book “prescriptions worth thousand gold for emergencies” as a research object, which was the trends from the Tang to the Ming dynasty and carried on the past heritage and open up the future, and hoping to examine the veins and roots of Sun Simiao's sex manual study and showing the sex manual point of view in the Sui and Tang Dynasties Chinese medicine. |
起訖頁 | 1-29 |
關鍵詞 | 孫思邈、房中術、中醫學、備急千金要方、導引養生、生產求子、回精補腦、Sun Simiao、sex manual study、Chinese medicine、“prescriptions worth thousand gold for emergencies”、health preserving、Pregnancy、Tonifying brain and kidney |
刊名 | 國立屏東大學學報:人文社會類 |
期數 | 201908 (4期) |
出版單位 | 國立屏東大學 |
該期刊 下一篇
| 東港迎王平安祭典志工參與行為關係之研究 |