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並列篇名 | A Study of Tu Long's Beliefs and Views on Life using Siou Wun Ji as the Core Material |
作者 | 林智莉 |
中文摘要 | 《修文記》是屠隆晚年的劇作,他以自身經歷及子女事蹟為骨幹,摻入一己信仰與生命觀,完成一部探究生命意義的戲曲作品。劇中主角蒙曜即屠隆、蒙瑤瑟即屠隆長女屠瑤瑟、蒙玉樞即長男屠金樞。屠隆藉由《修文記》審視了自己當年遭受毀謗及長女、長子與長媳三人早逝的原因,以此親身遭遇力證因果報應昭明不爽的可畏,一來用以警惕毀佛謗道不信之人;二來勸化世人在世修行以跳脫輪迴之苦。屠隆的修行有其明顯的徑路:先儒而道,由道入佛。儒家修人倫、道家修生命、佛家修一心,三教理一,不可偏廢,但仍有修行與境界之高下,儒、道皆為佛之次,修行儒、道最終目的是躋升佛國,因為唯有進升佛國,才能證得永生。 |
英文摘要 | Siou Wun Ji (修文記) is a drama that demonstrates the core beliefs that Tu Long (屠隆) expressed in his later years. Tu Long not only used his personal experiences and those of his children as the subject matter of the drama, but he also included his attitudes toward religion and life. The main character in the drama, Meng Yao (蒙曜), represents Tu Long himself. Meng Yao Se (蒙瑤瑟) is his firstborn daughter Tu Yao Se (屠瑤瑟), and Meng Yu Shu (蒙玉樞) is his firstborn son, Tu Jin Shu (屠金樞). In the drama, Tu Long suggests that the outcome of his impeachment led to the removal of an official and to the death of his children at an early age, which is why these events are regarded as karma. Throughout the drama, Tu Long not only warns and admonishes people who do not believe in karma but also exerts people to cultivate and be liberated from sam.
sāra. Additionally, Tu Long proposed a method of cultivation that includes the Confucian principles of human relations, the physical immortality principles of Taoism, and one's mind principles of Buddhism. The ultimate purpose of cultivating Confucianism and Taoism was to cultivate Buddhism, which would subsequently lead to nirvana. Only by doing so could one achieve eternal life. |
起訖頁 | 95-120 |
關鍵詞 | 因果報應、宗教劇、明傳奇、修文記、屠隆、karma、religious opera、Ming drama、Siou Wun Ji、Tu Long |
刊名 | 師大學報:語言與文學類 |
期數 | 201109 (56:2期) |
出版單位 | 國立臺灣師範大學 |
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