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並列篇名 | From “Taking Pride in Me” to “Proving My Own Worth”: An Exploratory Study of the Impact of College Students’ Perceived Parental Expectations on their Patterns of Career Choices |
作者 | 王秀槐 |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在探討台灣大學生在華人文化背景下,在生涯建構之歷程中知覺到父母期待的高低及 方向對其生涯因應策略的影響。西方生涯理論建立於西方社會的個人主義之上,而華人社會普遍受 儒家關係主義影響,然過去生涯研究仍多以西方生涯理論為主,直接套用在華人青少年上,忽略了 華人社會之文化特殊性。因此,本研究從台灣大學生之生涯選擇出發,以華人特有之儒家關係主義 中父母與子女的角色義務為基礎,分析父母期待的高低,及子女是否符合父母期待方向,此二項變 因如何相互影響子女的因應策略。研究方法採質性分析,深入訪談十四位性別、科系、家庭背景、 目標動機不同的大學生.訪談資料經過歸納與分析後,發現以下結果:(1)父母對子女成就期待高低 可分為「無所要求」型、「只求穩定」型、「成龍成鳳」型,其中,除了「無所要求」型的父母是將 子女視為獨立個體外,其餘兩種都隱含有子女為父母之生命延伸之意涵;(2)子女是否符合父母期待 方向則可分成符合、不符合及無關三種;(3) 子女因應策略依據父母期待高低及子女是否符合父母 期待方向可分為「以我為榮」型、「和諧平穩」型、「自我翱翔」型、「請您放心」型、「證明自己」 型五類。上述五類因應組型可提供在華人文化脈絡下生涯輔導與後續研究相當的啟示. |
英文摘要 | This study aims to explore the impact of college students’ perceived parental expectations on their patterns of career coping strategies under the Chinese cultural context. While western career theories tend to emphasize individual/self exploration and development, for Chinese, the construction of career often centers on making balances between self and significant others, especially parental expectations. Thus, this study investigates how college students in Taiwan perceived and responded to their parental expectations in the processes of making career choices since high school to college graduation. Open-ended in-depth interviews with a group of 14 college seniors were conducted, and the interview data were transcribed for qualitative analysis. The results showed that, first, there were three types of parental expectations, that is, “high accomplishments”, “secured life”, and “free-reins”. Secondly, students’ career choices can be divided into being “corresponding” “not corresponding” and “irrelevant” to their parental expectations. Finally, by combing the above two types, there were five patterns of these youths’ career choices, including: (1) Taking pride in me; (2) Keeping balance and secured; (3) Free exploration of self; (4) Releasing parental worries; and (5)Proving my own worth. The implications of these five patterns were further discussed in light of theoretical and practical implications. |
起訖頁 | 079-097 |
關鍵詞 | 父母期待、子女因應、生涯定向、角色義務、質性研究、parental expectations、children’s responses、career commitment、qualitative research、role obligations |
刊名 | 輔導與諮商學報 |
期數 | 201505 (37:1期) |
出版單位 | 國立彰化師範大學輔導與諮商學系 |
該期刊 上一篇
| 「適性發展~活出個人生涯風格」方案介入臺南市國中生涯輔導之行動反思 |