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並列篇名 | Working Memory%2C Long-term Memory%2C and Instructional Design |
作者 | 約翰·斯維勒、陸琦、盛群力 |
中文摘要 | 认知负荷理论常与教学设计相联系,因为该理论中阐释的有关人类认知的许多方面都对教学设计有着重要意义。首先,该理论认为人并不能轻易地习得教育或培训机构中教授的专业知识;其次,要习得这些知识需要学习者具备特定领域而非通用认知类的知识;最后,通用认知类知识的掌握并不需要明确具体的教学指导,因为人早已具备习得这类知识的能力。相反,特定领域的概念与技能则需要明确具体的教学指导。这些因素与人类工作记忆的容量及持续时间等约束因素相互作用,勾勒了个体的认知系统架构,从而影响着教学设计。工作记忆的这种限制性并不会对生物初级知识的习得产生约束,但对生物高级知识的学习则会产生约束效用。如上所述,掌握通用认知类知识并不需要特定的教学指导,而习得特定领域的专业知识则需要专门的教学指导。由此,认知负荷理论可为教学设计提供具体指导,以减少学习者在学习过程中所产生的不必要的外在工作记忆负荷,有利于习得涉及专门教学指导的、属于生物高级知识范畴的、特定领域的专门知识。 |
英文摘要 | Cognitive load theory is used to design instruction. Several aspects of human cognition are critical to instructional design. First, the theory assumes we have not specifically evolved to learn the topics taught in educational and training institutions. Second, these topics require learners to acquire domain-specific rather than generic–cognitive knowledge. Third, while generic-cognitive knowledge does not require explicit instruction because we have evolved to acquire it, domain-specific concepts and skills do require explicit instruction. These factors interact with the capacity and duration constraints of working memory to delineate a cognitive architecture relevant to instructional design. The working memory limits do not apply to biologically primary, generic-cognitive knowledge acquired without explicit instruction but do apply to biologically secondary, domain-specific knowledge that requires explicit instruction. Accordingly, cognitive load theory has been developed to provide techniques that reduce unnecessary working memory load when dealing with explicitly taught, biologically secondary, domain-specific knowledge. |
起訖頁 | 043-051 |
關鍵詞 | 认知负荷理论、工作记忆、长时记忆、教学设计、Cognitive Load Theory、Working Memory、Long-term Memory、Instructional Design |
刊名 | 中國電化教育 |
期數 | 201607 (354期) |
出版單位 | 中國電化教育雜誌社 |
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