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教师数据决策实践: 内涵、困境与优化策略
並列篇名 | Teachers’ Data Driven Decision-Making: Contents%2C Difficulties and Optimization Strategies |
作者 | 柳叶青 |
中文摘要 | 基于数据的教育决策研究与实践浪潮是20世纪80年代基础教育标准化运动的重要产物之一。聚焦于教师数据决策,则应从教育Data观、教师数据实践范畴的角度来揭示其背后所隐含的思维模式与实践模式,从制度、文化、技术和心理四个层面对教师遭遇的困境给予关注。在此基础上,有效的专业学习策略应采取由内而外的思考路径,以确立教师数据决策的专业自主性。 |
英文摘要 | The wave of educational data driven decision-making is an important product of the standards-based reforms in basic education in the 1980s. When focusing on teachers’ data-driven decision making, we should reveal the implicit patterns of thinking and practice from the perspective of data conception and practice areas. Also attention should be paid on the plight of teachers caught in practice at an institutional level, cultural level, technical level and psychological level. On this basis, in order to establish the professional autonomy of teaches’ data-driven decision making, an effective professional learning strategies should ponder the path from the inside out. |
起訖頁 | 011-020 |
關鍵詞 | Data 观、实践范畴、实践困境、专业自主性、Data conception、practice areas、plight of practice、professional autonomy |
刊名 | 基礎教育 |
期數 | 201502 (12:1期) |
出版單位 | 華東師範大學 |
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