電腦學刊 Journal of Computers | ||
電腦學刊由中華民國電腦學會邀集兩岸產、學、研各界專精資訊(電腦、通信)學術人士組成編輯委員會,旨在研究電腦學術及應用實務、推行及促進電腦與資訊化之發展,以及聯繫國內外有關電腦與資訊化組織與活動,經嚴謹的審查機制,以雙月刊形式定期提供熱門及具前瞻性的資訊學術研究,期能建構國際前沿的基礎研究。 出版者:中華民國電腦學會 |
所有刊期-(期數) | ||
202412 (35:6期) A Modular Data Analysis for Ocean Surface Wind Pre 202410 (35:5期) PIPE-ID: Pipelined Innovative Teaching Architectur 202408 (35:4期) A Cloud Model-based Prediction Method for Scientif 202406 (35:3期) Empirical Study on Poor-Rich Disparities Based on 202404 (35:2期) Application of Bayesian Networks and Reinforcement 202402 (35:1期) Wireless Sensor Networks Node Localization Algorit 202312 (34:6期) Disentangling Representation of Variational Autoen 202310 (34:5期) Reconstruction of Communication Signal in Wireless 202308 (34:4期) Restoration and Enhancement of Fuzzy Defect Image 202306 (34:3期) Human Gesture Recognition Based on Millimeter-Wave |
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