為何與如何—從性/別敏感觀點談個別諮商中性議題之意義與處理 Why and How: The meaning and treatment of sexuality issues in individual counseling on gender perspective
外遇風暴後—以情緒取向伴侶治療探究外遇所引發的依附創傷 Exploring the attachment injury after experiencing Extramarital affair with EFT couple therapy
婚姻衝突經驗重新框架:一位受暴婦女的故事初探 Reframing conflict experience of marriage: A battered woman's stories
當事人為什麼不求助?求助態度、求助意圖、求助行為之研究回顧與整合 Why clients don’t seek helps ? Literature review and the integration of help-seeking attitude%2C intention%2C and behaviors
將正向心理學帶入心理劇:2014年美國心理劇年會主題演講帶來的啟發 Integrating positive psychology into psychodrama: Reflection and inspiration from the Keynote Speech at the 2014 American Group Psychotherapy & Psychodrama Conference
新手遊戲治療師對設限的自我省思 The beginner play therapist’s self reflection of limit setting
諮商室中的反移情:與受虐兒童共處的反思經驗 Countertransference: Reflection on experiences about physically abused children