- PBL在教學實習上的應用成效與困境之研究 A Study of Effects and Limitations of the Application of Problem-Based Learning on a Student Teaching Curriculum
- 建構實習輔導教師認證制度之實踐研究 A Study on the Practice of Accreditation for Cooperating Teachers
- 學習共同體前導學校實施情形、困境與因應策略之研究 Implementing Learning Community: A Study of Pilot Schools in New Taipei City
- 優質教學案例指標建構之研究 A Study on the Construction of Criteria for Good Teaching Cases
- 「平板電腦補救教學計畫」執行情形之探討 A Study on the Implementation of the “Tablet PCs as Teaching Tool in Remedial Instruction Project”