- 專業標準本位中等技職教育師資職前教育課程規劃之探究 Professional Standard-based Curriculum Planning for Secondary Technical and Vocational Teacher Education Program
- 教師學與新師資培育政策─一個「責任良師」造就「責任公民」的新世代 Teacher-ship and the New Policy of Teacher Education- A New Era of Responsible Citizenship to Be Educated by Responsible Qualified Teachers
- 教師教學過程中心流體驗之研究 The Study on the Flow Experience of the Teacher While in Teaching
- 屏東縣偏遠地區國小教師專業學習社群、組織承諾與教學效能之研究 Relationships among Participation in Professional Learn-ing Communities, Organizational Commitment, and Teaching Effectiveness of Elementary School Teachers in Pingtung County
- 高中職餐旅群教師教學效能與幸福感之研究 A Study on the Teaching Effectiveness and Teachers’ Well-Being for Teachers of Hospitality and Tourism in Sen-ior/Vocational High Schools