- 「初」師表:實習教師的多元行政倫理反思之個案研究 A Case Study of Intern Teachers’ Reflections on Multiple Administrative Ethics
- 在英語教學法課學習設計和教授差異化教學 Learning to Plan and Teach Differentiated Instruction in a TESOL Methods Course
- 中國大陸中小學教師「國培計畫」之研究 A Study on “National Teacher In-service Training Pro-gram” of Primary and Secondary School in China
- 國小教師教學效能自評之研究 A Study of Self-Assessment in Teaching Effectiveness of Elementary School Teachers
- 教師法與勞動法之交會:論教師之法律地位 The Intersection of the Teachers’ Act and Labor Law: The Legal Status of Teachers