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並列篇名 | The Micropolitical Literacy of a Novice Principals to Promote International Education |
作者 | 陳惠雪 |
中文摘要 | 本研究探討初任校長在國際教育推動的學校變革行動中,如何運用微觀政治素養。研究者選取一所致力推動國際教育,且以其為學校願景的國民小學。研究結果發現,儘管推動國際教育有其挑戰與優勢,初任校長本著過去執行經驗,在學校變革行動中,涵育微觀政治素養:認知面秉著「國際教育」經驗,以之為學校願景,通盤了解工作分配的內容、行銷策略、教學內涵;技能面,初任校長正向尊重和負向控制的策略,無可避免學校內部勢力消長,教學管理策略創造親師生多贏局勢;情意面,關懷弱勢學生,增強教師使命感,強化家長歸屬感。
英文摘要 | This study investigates the micropolitical literacy of a novice principal who lead the organizational change to promote International Education as a vision for the school. The researcher interviews the principal, the director of Teaching Affairs Division, a teacher with administrative duty, an English teacher, and a homeroom teacher. Despite of challenges and opportunities associated with a school’s readiness for change, novice principal mobilizes change for the first time. The main findings are as follows: from cognitive aspect, the novice principal with International Education experience is awareness of school aims, work loading, colleagues’ ability, internet marketing, and teaching knowledge. From skill aspect, he respects and controls with strength along with weakness of different parties. His teaching management creates win-win situation for students, teachers, and parents. From affective aspect, his concern to the disadvantaged students triggers positive emotions and fulfillment of teachers and students’ parents as well.
起訖頁 | 101-130 |
關鍵詞 | 初任校長、國際教育、微觀政治素養、Beginning Principal、International Education、Micropolitical Literacy |
刊名 | 師資培育與教師專業發展期刊 |
期數 | 202403 (17:1期) |
出版單位 | 國立彰化師範大學 |
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