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並列篇名 | EMI in Japan: The Current Status and Its Enlightenments for Taiwan |
作者 | 林雍智、葉奕彤 |
中文摘要 | 大學的全英語授課(English as the Medium of Instruction/ English-medium Instruction, EMI)近期以來在非英語圈各國的大學受到愈來愈多的重視,許多大學為了因應在全球化、國際化下的人才培育與招收留學生之需求,紛紛導入EMI。東亞國家的日本也受此影響,自1990年起便有大學導入EMI,直至今日,已約有半數以上的大學在大學部、研究所等正規學制或留學生的學程上實施EMI。本文從日本實施EMI的理由談起,接著探討日本推動EMI的系列政策,如Global 30(國際化據點整備事業)與「スーパーグローバル大学創世支援」(超級全球大學創世支援事業)與大學的EMI實施現況、模式等發展歷程,最後再論述日本實施EMI的困難。本文期待透過對日本導入EMI狀況的概述,可以作為臺灣各大學在發展EMI上的參考或省思,以健全高等教育體系的學習環境。 |
英文摘要 | English-medium instruction (EMI) in universities has recently received more and more attention from universities in non-English speaking countries. Many universities have introduced EMI to meet the needs of talent cultivation and to recruit international students under globalization and internationalization. Japan, as a country located in East Asia, has also been affected by this. Since 1990, some universities o Japan have introduced EMI. Today, more than half of the universities have implemented EMI in regular academic programs such as undergraduate level and graduate school level, or in the academic programs for international students. This article starts with the reasons why Japan implements EMI, and then discusses Japan’s processes of policies to promote EMI, such as “Global 30 Project” (Establishing University Network for Internationalization) and “Top Global University Project” and the EMI implementation in universities at present. Finally, the difficulties in implementing EMI in Japan will be discussed. This article hopes that through an overview of the introduction of EMI in Japan, it can be used as a reference or reflection for universities in Taiwan to develop EMI to improve the learning environment of the higher education system. |
起訖頁 | 087-103 |
關鍵詞 | 日本、全英語教學、語言政策、Japan、English-medium instruction、language policy |
刊名 | 教育研究月刊 |
期數 | 202402 (358期) |
出版單位 | 高等教育出版公司 |
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該期刊 上一篇
| 歐洲高等教育英語化的發展:趨勢與挑戰 |
該期刊 下一篇
| EMI之國際觀點與趨勢 |