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並列篇名 | Exploring the Implementation of English as the Medium of Instruction (EMI) at Elementary Schools in Taiwan: Observations From the Teacher Education Perspective |
作者 | 王雅茵 |
中文摘要 | 本文觀察臺灣小學以英語為教學語言(English as the Medium of Instruction, EMI)的雙語教育實踐,從師資培育的觀點解析其現階段遭遇的問題,包含:各層級在推動雙語教育中不同的理解,導致雙語教學實施的混亂;雙語教師培訓不足,引發專業和英語溝通素養不足的問題;行政端對雙語教學的影響,限制了教師專業和學生學習效果。為解決以上問題,本文建議師資培育宜全面培養多語溝通及跨文化思維、發展基本雙語教學知能,從教師自在使用英語開始,逐步整合語言和學科內容,最後,建立教師專業支持環境,鼓勵教師為本的專業發展社群,使教師能夠共同探索最佳的EMI實踐方法。這些改變有助於實現雙語素養導向教育,促進學生的多語和多元文化的學習,也落實新課綱發展優質教育的期待。 |
英文摘要 | This article examines the bilingual education practices of English as the Medium of Instruction (EMI) at elementary schools in Taiwan and analyzes the current challenges from the teacher education perspective. Different interpretations of bilingual education at various levels have confused the implementation of bilingual instruction. Insufficient training for bilingual teachers has resulted in issues related to professional and English competencies. Besides, administrative influences on bilingual education have constrained teacher professionalism and student learning outcomes. To address the issues, this article proposes comprehensive teacher training focusing on cultivating a multilingual and multicultural mindset. It also suggests developing essential bilingual teaching competencies, starting with teachers’ comfortable use of English and gradually integrating language with subject content. Lastly, it advocates establishing a supportive professional environment, encouraging teacher initiated professional development communities that enable teachers to explore optimal EMI practices. These changes contribute to achieving bilingual competency-based education, promoting multilingual and multicultural learning among students, and aligning with the expectations of quality education outlined in the new curriculum guidelines. |
起訖頁 | 033-046 |
關鍵詞 | 小學、小學師資培育、英語為媒介教學素養導向教育、雙語教育、primary school、elementary school teacher education、English Medium Instruction (EMI)、competency-based education、bilingual education |
刊名 | 教育研究月刊 |
期數 | 202402 (358期) |
出版單位 | 高等教育出版公司 |
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| 大學推動全英語課程的挑戰與展望:從學生觀點分析 |
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| 韓國高等教育EMI的發展與挑戰 |