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並列篇名 | Effects of WASQC-Based Flipped Learning Strategy on University Students’ Learning Motivation, Learning Outcome, Collective Efficacy, and Corporation and Communication Intention for 3 × 3 Basketball Games |
作者 | 張佑誠、程瑞福 |
中文摘要 | 在籃球課程的學習中,強調團隊之間的合作與互動,並透過賽場上表現,來檢視學生是否有達到學習效益。近年來,翻轉教學為教育帶來極大的改變,此種學習方式,能培養學生自主學習能力,並在課堂中營造出更多時間,與師生及同儕之間進行互動與溝通。藉此,為能在籃球教學過程中,提供良好的互動學習環境,以引導學生有更高層次的學習思維。本研究提出了WASQC(Watch, Annotation,Summarizing, Questioning, and Communications)行動翻轉教學策略,並以東部某大學的籃球興趣選項學生為研究對象,一個班級使用WASQC行動翻轉教學策略36人,另一個班級採用傳統行動翻轉教學32人,為期14週的教學實驗,研究工具採比賽評量、學習動機、群體自我效能、合作與溝通傾向,所得資料以共變數進行分析,顯著水準為α = .05。研究結果證實,學生經由WASQC的行動翻轉教學策略應用後,在比賽學習成效、學習動機、群體自我效能、溝通與合作傾向皆有顯著提升。因本研究資料來源以比賽評量表、問卷與教師觀察筆記為主,建議未來在相關課程應用此模式時,可透過訪談的方式,探究學生對學習過程中的看法以及內心感受;最後,關於學生如何檢視自身比賽內容來獲得反思行為,是未來研究可探討的議題。 |
英文摘要 | Basketball courses emphasize teamwork and team interaction, and assess students’ learning outcome based on their performance on the basketball court. Flipped learning is a method that helps students develop their abilities in self-directed learning and allows more time in the classroom for students to interact and Communication with their teachers and peers. Therefore, flipped learning can be incorporated into basketball courses to create a favorable interactive learning environment, guiding students to engage in higher order thinking. This study proposed a flipped learning strategy based on the watching, annotating, summarizing, questioning, and communicating (WASQC) model. Students who took basketball as an elective course in a university in eastern Taiwan were recruited and divided into two classes: One class was taught using WASQC-based flipped learning (n = 36), and the other was taught using conventional flipped learning (n = 32). The experimental period lasted 14 weeks. The research instruments used were the Game Performance Assessment Instrument (GPAI), learning motivation, collective efficacy, collaboration and communication tendency. An analysis of covariance was conducted. The results indicated that the students taught with the WASQC-based flipped learning strategy exhibited significantly improved learning outcome, learning motivation, collective efficacy, and corporation and communication intention. Because research data were primarily collected from the GPAI, questionnaire answers, and teachers’ observations and notes, future studies aiming to apply the WASQC model in relevant courses are advised to investigate students’ opinions and inner thoughts through interviews. How students reflect on their performance in games also warrants further investigation. |
起訖頁 | 001-029 |
關鍵詞 | 行動科技、學習策略、籃球教學、mobile technology、learning strategy、basketball teaching |
刊名 | 數位學習科技期刊 |
期數 | 202401 (16:1期) |
出版單位 | 數位學習科技期刊編審委員 |
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