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並列篇名 | Positive Teacher Leadership and Its Inspirations to the Mentor Teacher Program in Taiwan |
作者 | 丁一顧 |
中文摘要 | 本文旨在探討正向教師領導及其對教學輔導教師制度之啟示。本文首在說明正向教師領導的相關概念;其次,論述正向教師領導的相關實徵研究;最後,本文就正向教師領導的分析,提出對教學輔導教師制度之六點建議:一、慎選正向特質教師作為教學輔導教師儲訓人選;二、教學輔導教師培訓課程融入正向教師領導素養;三、教學輔導實務運作落實正向教師領導專業典範;四、籌組批判與同理夥伴社群提供正向之專業支持;五、善用專業省思提升教學輔導教師正向領導心態;六、探究教學輔導應用正向教師領導之狀況與效益。期待本文之分析與建議,能對我國中小學教學輔導教師制度以及正向教師領導的研究與推廣有所助益。 |
英文摘要 | The study elaborates positive teacher leadership and its inspirations to the mentor teacher program. The paper begins with the related concepts and empirical research regarding the implications of positive teacher leadership, and later proposes six suggestions: (1) carefully selecting future mentor candidates with positive qualities; (2) integrating positive teacher leadership competency into the mentor teacher training program; (3) modeling the practice of positive teacher leadership for mentor teacher practices; (4) establishing professional learning communities with critical and empathetic members for professional support; (5) making good use of professional reflection to enhance positive leadership mindset for mentors; (6) investigating the benefits and situations of implementing positive teacher leadership. According to the analysis results, this paper looks forward to enhancing of positive teacher leadership practice for the mentor teacher program in Taiwan. |
起訖頁 | 021-034 |
關鍵詞 | 正向教師領導、教師領導、教學輔導教師、positive teacher leadership、teacher leadership、mentor teacher |
刊名 | 教育研究月刊 |
期數 | 202306 (350期) |
出版單位 | 高等教育出版公司 |
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