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並列篇名 | AI Literacy in Ethics and Risk: A Case of AI-based Proctoring Systems |
作者 | 甘偵蓉 |
中文摘要 | 國內外各級學校這兩年多來因應新冠病毒(DOVID-19)疫情,皆大量採遠距上課及遠距考試,為防範考試作弊以維公平性,不少國外學校在遠距考試中導入人工智慧遠距監考系統(AI-based Proctoring Systems, AIPS),引起頗多爭議。有鑑於國內學校日前也發表AIPS研發成果並企圖在未來導入遠距考試,一時之間正反意見互陳,本文擬討論使用AIPS所需考量的倫理議題及風險:一、探討以AIPS取代人工監考的思維,甚至反思監考這個普遍被認為是維持考試公平性的說法。二、則借助我國學術誠信原則以及科技部「人工智慧科研發展指引」中的倫理價值與指引,逐一檢視與使用AIPS有關的倫理議題以及可行的因應措施。本文期待藉此協助學校與教師了解,在遠距考試中導入AIPS的事前準備工作、過程中應注意事項與事後因應措施有哪些,以利審慎評估要維持遠距考試的公平性是否只有導入AIPS一途。 |
英文摘要 | Online courses and accompanying off-campus assessments are now booming due to COVID-19 lockdowns. To prevent cheating and maintain fairness, many foreign schools have introduced AI-based proctoring systems (AIPS) in online assessments and raised many controversies and debates. One domestic university has announced their new design of AIPS and claimed they will use it soon, which has also raised some discussions. This paper discusses the ethical issues and risks in the use of AIPS. The first two parts will reflect on replacing human invigilators with AIPS and even on proctoring, which is widely considered to maintain fairness in assessments. The third part discusses the ethical issues and risks related to AIPS and offers suggestions according to the Taiwan Code of Conduct for Research Integrity and AI Technology R&D Guidelines by the Ministry of Science and Technology. In particular, the discussion focuses on the principles of academic integrity, three ethical values on human centered values and eight guidelines. The paper will help educators recognize the preparatory work for using AIPS in online assessments and what are the countermeasures in the process and after using it; furthermore, it will help educators evaluate again whether the use of AIPS is the only method to maintain fairness in online assessments. |
起訖頁 | 050-061 |
關鍵詞 | 人工智慧、公平性、科技部人工智慧科研發展指引、遠距考試、學術誠信、AI-based proctoring systems (AIPS)、fairness、AI Technology R&D Guidelines、online assessment、academic integrity |
刊名 | 教育研究月刊 |
期數 | 202209 (341期) |
出版單位 | 高等教育出版公司 |
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